Stay at home mom or working mom- which is better? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Stay at home mom or working mom- which is better?

by | Apr 5, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing, Parenting and Family | 26 comments

Stay at home mom or working mom- which is better?

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  1. Houda Sulieman

    Thank you so much sister. I needed this.

  2. Adz Mahomed

    Alhamdulilah Allah is great we now have options working online can deal with kids and bring them up also work Alhamdulilah Allah is great 2 in 1 Alhamdulilah sbukr

  3. Ishrut Nusrally

    Stay at home mum… It also depends… A woman who can balance between her children (family) and work at the same time with the help of Allah due to circumstances

  4. Talat Sharmine

    I gave myself to be with my three kids and was treated so badly by my husband, always been belittled by him.

    • Sh Sudozai

      I can relate Talat.

      • Sh Sudozai

        And your self esteem is also ruined and you end up in a terrible mother.

  5. Talat Sharmine

    Most husband wants his wife to work to bring him money plus give him sex and bear his children. Even serve his parents.

    • Reshma Begum

      Yes you totally summed up with all the topics

  6. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi to all those listening to Sister Haleh Banani.

    • Fadia Van Witt

      Wa Alaykum slm Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatu sister Zubeida

  7. Nadia Hawa

    Do what you can, when you can, and together we can make a difference -beautiful! Jazakillah Khair!

  8. Najat Al-shejni

    So true, we have to put ourselves in each other’s shoes.

  9. Jineen Elabed

    Both not easy that’s my opinion… what makes it hard is we judge each other

  10. Najat Al-shejni

    Absolutely, sometimes the husband’s job is so demanding and involves so much travel that the wife has to be there for her kids, especially if they are young.

  11. Princess Fazia

    I had that option and I did exactly that.

  12. Fatima Mobasshir

    Exactly, thank you for saying this!!! Amazing

  13. Janice Maria

    WaAlaikom asalam. Neither is better it is what you have to do with your life to help your husband and your family and your children

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