The #1 reason you’re unhappy – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Eric Bøldt


  2. Patricia Canbolat

    Jazak Allahu Khairun! Very good advice always!

  3. Carmel Gafoor

    Loved your speech.Thank you.

  4. Marium Khan

    Dear Haleh…. Sometimes it happens so that I am worried of something and you just post exactly about it and bring me life back!

  5. Faheema Ebrahim

    Alhamdulillah needed to hear this

  6. Ishal Syed

    Asalam u alikum

  7. Ajrisa Asanovska

    Mersiha AdemoskaMensura MetaEsmira Asanovska Islam

  8. Carla Lou-Anna

    Take control of today. Good advice! Thanks

  9. Sirwan Chomany

    God will make you successful

  10. Farah Aijaz

    Beautiful lady

  11. Zaheda Jugoo

    May Allah bless you for this wonderful tip. I can relate to this

  12. Hani Sheikh

    that’s you . i love your empowering and motivational speech.!!!

  13. Hani Sheikh

    wcs sister, that’s true. yes i had been and i had very difficultly life .Alhamdulilah now i am taking life easy and one step at a time.

  14. Noorazila Abd Razak

    Live the present not worrying for the future – do not worry to much about something not happen yet

  15. Noorazila Abd Razak

    Stop living in the past – key to be happy

  16. EM Meryam

    Wlsaalm sister true

  17. Claudia CE

    Huda Ali

  18. Amna Asghar

    Beautiful sis. Jazakillah for the post 🙂

  19. Tasleem Rahman

    Walikum Salaam Sister.

  20. Mariam Abeni Abdul Salam

    Ma shaa Allah, may Allah reward u abundantly ma’am, it’s a perfect words….

  21. Naseem Ahmad

    Walekum assalam

  22. Kylani Sura

    La illah illa Allah Mohammed Rasool Allah

  23. Farida Far

    شکران هاله ای عزیز

  24. Shahnaz Bano

    و علیکُم اسلام

  25. Maseeha Suliman

    Asalamualaykum sister .. Jazakallah just what I needed to hear

  26. Jessica Abdulkareem

    Exactly what I needed to hear, Alhumdulilah!

  27. Sahada Abdurahiman

    JazhakAllah, so beautiful… May Allah bless you with the best of health and happiness

  28. Imom Khamid

    That’s really true. Most of the people experienced that.

  29. Shazia Ali

    W. Slam

  30. Amira Hafez

    Jazaakallahu khairan

  31. Zahra Akmal

    Assalamu Alaikum

  32. Lamii Oromo

    Waaleeyknm.salaam worahmatullahl wobarakatuhu

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