The Power Of Optimism – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

The Power Of Optimism

by | Jan 2, 2021 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 88 comments

Learn the power of optimism!

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  1. Fathima Nazeer

    The name of the book pls

  2. Firda Fadhilah

    Jazakumullah Sr Haleh and Ustadha Hosai. I’m joining from Indonesia. The illness of mine indeed brought me down, this lecture is really eye opening and heart warming. May Allah shower blessings to you

  3. Poonam Thacker

    Is it possible online …

  4. Poonam Thacker

    I wish to study psychology..can u guide me pls

  5. Dee P Arrow

    Assalamu alaikum wrwb!!! Watching from the Philippines.

  6. Mariam Abeni Abdul Salam

    So much appreciate dis topic, may Allah bless u more ma’am, alot has happened to me doh but still pray more and having hope in Allah holding me on aliamdulilahi robili alameen, jazakumllahu kairah ma’am

  7. Miski Ali


  8. Samar Siddiqui

    JazakAllahkhair, sisters for this encouraging talk. May Allah always Bless you Aameen.

  9. Lubz Khan


  10. Yasha Khan

    Sara Keshavarzi

  11. Hapsah Mohamed

    Alhamdullillah Assalamualaikum

  12. Nehaya Safi

    How can we prepare ourselves for difficult times when we lose close family members?

    • Haleh Banani

      Nehaya Safi Trust Allah’s plan and strengthen yourself by knowing that Allah will not burden you with more than you can handle. Become more connected with Allah and surround yourself with support.

      • Nehaya Safi

        Haleh Banani Jazak Allah kheer sister

  13. Tammy Meiners Amin

    MashaAllah I needed this today. Not coincidence but guidance from Allah. Alhamdulilah

    • Haleh Banani

      Tammy Meiners Amin Alhamdulillah! I’m so glad you benefitted.

  14. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi to both of you. Am late listening to your lecture of optimism. At least I haven’t missed it. Alhamdhulilah.

  15. Paula Desrochers-Yakout

    Mahinaz Aly and Magda Ghobashi isa you kigh find some comfort from this lecture. May Allah bless your family.

  16. Nazu Hassas

    Ya Allah bless me with good friends Ameeen and all my friends Ameeen Jazāk Allāhu Khayran

  17. Nazu Hassas

    SubhanAllah beautiful Allahhuakber

  18. Narema Ali

    Say the Dua before Salam

  19. Rafia UmmAhmad Cleofas

    Masha Allah, it’s a blessing to be in the company of two amazing women. I love you both for the sake of Allah. Your message of going back to the source and having tawwakul and being optimistic is invaluable. Jazzak Allahu khairan

    • Haleh Banani

      Rafia UmmAhmad Cleofas Jazakillah Khair! I’m so glad you benefitted feom the lesson!

  20. Arwa Sagier

    Amazing Talk ..thank you both sisters so much

    • Haleh Banani

      Arwa Sagier Alhamdulillah!

  21. Rashedah Siddeeq

    Appreciate this so much secondhand trauma

  22. Sadaf Hashimi

    My most favorite people !!

    • Haleh Banani

      Khadeeja Hashimi That’s sweet!

  23. Arwa Sagier

    Salam from Jeddah KSA

  24. Narema Ali

    Zabida Khan

  25. Tanzia Amreen

    Yasmin Wahed Ayesha Morium

  26. Sharifa Jassiem

    Jazakallah. Allahoema Aameen for the beautiful duas

  27. Husna Hoque


  28. Suzan Barakat

    Jazakom ALLAH khair to you both for inspiring us as always.

  29. Adriana Cosa

    Thank you so much

  30. Amrooha Hussain

    جزاك الله خيرًا

  31. Sandra Guisela Sánchez Rodriguez

    Can I translate it to Spanish?? We don’t have too much info in our lenguaje. Can we talk later please about it

  32. Amina El

    What do you think about the islamic book «dont be sad? , is it considering the mental struggles that actually make people sad and depressed? Title sounds so strict

  33. Haleh Banani

    Clear the path Hosai Mojaddidi

  34. Talha Siddiqi

    Where can we find the book

  35. Zainab Hamid

    What is the name of the book?

  36. Nicola Watson

    What’s the name of the book? I missed it …

    • Haleh Banani

      Nicola Watson Clear the path! It’s amazing mashaAllah- you should definitely get it!

      • Nicola Watson

        Haleh got it from amazon! Thank you!

        • Haleh Banani

          Nicola Watson you’re so welcome!

  37. Hina Farooqi

    What is the books name?

    • Haleh Banani

      Hina Farooqi Clear the Path!

  38. Fatima Fats

    Positivity – this is why I love listening to you both: Sister Haleh & Ustadha Hosai and being part of Mindful Hearts. I can’t always make the live session but so grateful when I can. Love you both

  39. Amrooha Hussain

    جزاك الله خيرًا for today – i knew I needed this but didn’t realise how much I needed it

    • Haleh Banani

      Amrooha Hussain Alhamdulillah

  40. Shampa Mannan

    SubhanAllah people in our community don’t understand when I say no to an invitation even if it’s few families. So I am grateful that we were not invited to any gatherings this year.

    • Adriana Cosa

      SubhanAllah it is such a tough time and it’s difficult when people have different opinions about gathering or not

  41. Rashedah Siddeeq

    jazakallah khiran for this very beneficial talk. Allah bless you and your families.

    • Haleh Banani

      Rashedah Siddeeq Wa iyyaki! So happy you benefitted!

  42. Yasmine Dramat

    Jazakallah for your response.

  43. Shazia Ali

    Feeling happy to be the part of ur group.. it is very helpful for us to regenerate ourself from listening u. Jazak Allah both of u .. may Allah sweet reward u the best. ameen

    • Haleh Banani

      Shazia Ali Alhamdulillah that you’re benefitting!

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