The Secret To Self-Discipline – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

The secret between success and failure is self-discipline. How do you get yourself to be consistent in things that you commit to? How do you follow through the day? I’m going to share with you five steps to help you stay consistent and achieve your goals insha’Allah. 

Now, all of us get motivated at times in order to achieve a goal, whether it’s being healthy, exercising, studying, reading the Quran, or praying. We all want to excel in something. And many times, what happens is that we’re motivated for a few days and then, after a few days, we end up losing the much-needed motivation and just slack off. So what can we do to maintain that consistency? 

Follow These Five Steps To Get Started: 

1- Know your why:

Why is it important to wake up for fajr every single day? Why is it important for you to keep that connection with Allah? Why is it important for you to get up and exercise or eat healthy? If you have a strong enough “why”, then that is what’s going to push you when you are not in the mood and feel like it’s a little bit difficult.

2- Accountability:

Accountability is when you feel that you need to answer to someone else.It’s so easy to slack off and push the deadline or make lame excuses for ourselves when we feel a bit tired or unmotivated. But when we are accountable to someone, we do more to avoid the psychological pain of letting another person down, we try to avoid looking bad in front of others. So, having a strong sense of accountability

3- Schedule it:

You have to schedule what you’re going to do. When the prayer is a priority, everything is focused about the prayers, right? When we prioritize prayers, we squeeze in our dunya related activities around prayers. Sadly, many people these days tend to prioritize dunya activities around prayer, so we end up squeezing the prayers. Therefore, firstly schedule everything that is important for you. Schedule your priorities to build self discipline

4- Ignore your feelings:

You’ll never hear me say this. I’m all about addressing your feelings, feel your feelings, but this time I’m asking you to ignore your feelings. We all have moments when we don’t feel like going to work, or working out or eating healthy. But if you have to be successful and to be disciplined, you have to ignore these feelings and stay focussed on your ultimate goal. This is called “adulting”, right? When you are an adult, you have to do the things you may not feel like doing.

5- Don’t have an all or nothing mentality:

I know that many of us feel that in order to achieve something, you either need to do it perfectly or not do it at all. This approach is absolutely disastrous. For example, when you have a hard time with establishing the prayers and feel discouraged if you miss one, you might end up missing all of them but that is what Satan wants. He wants you to despair in Allah’s mercy. But you know what, you must keep trying. When you do whatever little you are able to, your mind and body will get accustomed to it. You won’t fall off the wagon completely. Don’t expect perfection from yourself, your kids, spouse, etc., because that puts a lot of pressure, leaving everyone disappointed. So, don’t have the “All or nothing” mentality. Keep striving until it becomes second nature to you.

When we follow these five steps, it will truly transform how successful we are. These are secrets to increasing self-discipline and consistency. Don’t just wait for someone else to pull you. You need to get yourself going. Don’t rely on anyone else other than yourself. You can have someone that encourages you, but really it boils down to yourself making that decision.

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  1. Alam Alam


  2. Shahnaz Bano

    Jazak’Allah khairan sister

  3. Anonymous


  4. Anonymous

    When there is a why there is a how..

  5. Anonymous

    I am struggling with consistency and self discipline!

  6. Anonymous

    SubhanaAllah! I needed to hear this!

  7. Anonymous

    Ascw sister haleh did you leave Melbourne if yes can I have u contact number to make a appointment please?

  8. Anonymous

    Mehtaab Ismail-Raza

  9. Anonymous

    Mash’Allah thanks dear sis Banani

  10. Anonymous

    All of them

  11. Anonymous

    Beautiful reminders MashaAllah. Schedule your priorities. . Thank you for this reminder, I needed this reminder today! I am struggling to ‘adult’ today!

    • Anonymous

      I definitely struggle with exercise and laundry piles! Amongst other things!
      Tariq Hawa you will like watching this.

    • Tariq Hawa

      Nadia Hawa yep, forget those excuses just push through it, each day new challenge, each challenge is a new goal and inshAllah as a team we can work through them. Any small window I get I use it.

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