This one question could change the way you view your marriage. – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

This one question could change the way you view your marriage.

by | Jan 4, 2021 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality, Relationship & Marriage Advice | 64 comments

This one question could change the way you view your marriage.


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  1. Arch Pat

    As Salaamu Alykum Wa Rahmatulaahi Wa Barakatu
    Shukran Jzk for a Beautiful Inspiring message May ASWA reward you abundantly In Sha Allah.

  2. Govind Singhal

    I want to talk…..9518825126….

  3. Hawa Yusif

    Haajar Said Osman

  4. Hana Sakura

    Akmal Abd Said

  5. Sevim Akar

    I will be devastated if I lose my husband

  6. Serap Akar Aktas

    I always ask this question to myself when I get mad with him. And then I just miss him

  7. Farzana Yousuf

    You always wear such beautiful scarves, Masha Allah ! Please share your choice of stores or any website where I can order them. Thanks

  8. Zaheda Jugoo

    In Sha Allah well said

  9. Nesrine Fahmy

    Manar Shawkat وانا كمان واحدة صاحبتى بعتتلى اتخضيت
    فعلا قوى

  10. Maheen Tariq

    what a beautiful lecture. jazakallah khair sister 🙂

  11. Nadia Junaid

    May Allah help us protect from wrong doing

  12. Huraira Huraira

    Absolutely right jazzak Allah

  13. Feroza Regal Haroun

    O’Allah grant me forgiveness if I mis treated my husband knowingly or unknwingly. Ameen

  14. Feroza Regal Haroun

    Asalaamualykum waraghmatullahi wabarakatu, I felt this last night when my husband was fell ill, with chest pains, algumdullah I felt content I did everything in my power to get him to a Dr, Allah shukr Algumdullah his fine. Today I feel different again questioning myself did I do enough for him. Such a beautiful program.

  15. Amoo Ganiyat

    Amin.. assalamualaikum waramatullah wabarakatuh

  16. Rabia Rasheed

    What to do with the spouse who is flirting for soo long.

  17. Fozia Soobedar

    Assalaamu Alaykum from South Africa

  18. Angela Galow

    Allah help me become a better wife

  19. Nesrine Fahmy

    Manal Adel Megahed انا نفسي اتخضيت

    • Manar Shawkat

      Nesrine Fahmy نسرين شبهك جدا انا افتكرتها انت

  20. Sadiha Mariam

    Please you must put capital closed or sentences for my deaf okay InshaAllah and Ameen!

    • Haleh Banani

      Sadiha Mariam I will inshaAllah. I’m sorry that it was not on. I value you and definitely want you to benefit. Thank you for letting me know.

  21. Zubeida Ottley

    Sister Helah. You have pick the best topic to talk about. It’s so true every word you’re advising. Am so fortunate to have such a loving and understanding husband, yet I mourn.

  22. Munira Khan

    Salaams hope u well very inspiring masha Allah ameen

  23. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi. Losing my spouse! I’d be totally lost. I can not imagine my life without my Sweet Hubby. Ya’Allah may such day never come for me to br without my my spouse. I can not imagine being without my spouse. AmeenThuma Ameen.

  24. Amina Forchu

    Masha Allah sis

  25. Miska Davids-Salie

    Niehaal Davids-Parker Mariam Oliver Sabeehah Cassoo Davids

  26. Asma Shaikh

    Very powerful sister JzkAllah from the

  27. Reshma Begum

    Alhumdulilla you spread a great message

  28. Shahnaz Bano

    JazakAllah Kayer sister.

  29. Shahnaz Bano

    Very good topic and need to be discuss with positive thoughts and in the light of Islamic guidance on marriage and the rights of spouses.

  30. Shahnaz Bano

    اسلام و علیکُم ۔

  31. KaramaJamila Sani Yaro

    Wa alaikumus Salaam wa rahmatuLlah wa BarakaatuH May Allah help us heal ameen

  32. Surya Azad

    Aslm sister

  33. Noor Moussawi

    Those words just brought tears to my eyes. May Allah bless you

    • Haleh Banani

      Noor Moussawi Alhamdulillah that you were impacted!

  34. Noor Moussawi

    Allahuma Ameen for Allah’s rewards

  35. Rumi Tinai

    بارك الله فيكى

  36. Raana Haider

    Shukran . It feels like it’s not just me

  37. Shazia Ali

    We try our best to improve our self for the sake of Allah

  38. Raana Haider

    Mashallah , so so true

  39. Ikram Odeh Mustafa

    Controlling yourself is the biggest problem and test

    • Nahid Sultana

      Ikram Odeh Mustafa it is!

  40. Sarah Singh

    MarshaAllah.. great message

  41. Ammar Choudhry

    I have experienced this a lot

  42. Ali Almawali

    God bless you with beautiful and wise words
    I ask Allah for you to Heaven

  43. Saadia Qureshi

    100% agree with what you are saying!!

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