What do you need to do to make lasting change and a deeper spiritual connection? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

What do you need to do to make lasting change and a deeper spiritual connection?

by | Jun 10, 2021 | Faith and Spirituality, Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 27 comments

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  1. Maryem Akram


    Im suspicious and can be lazy

  2. Safia Kulshekar

    Know yourself to know Allah ?

  3. Nitesh Rajbhandari

    Ala Bizkrillahi tatma innul quloob.
    Such a glowing face mashallah.there is charm in every believer

  4. Tania Ina

    When going through hardships I feel I have become a bit more isolated I wish I can be more calm and soft and be able to balance myself.

  5. Tania Ina

    Asa! Haleh Omggg I love ur talks uplifts me soooo much

  6. Mahnoor Khan

    How to connect..I try lot

  7. Mahnoor Khan

    I still can’t connect to you

  8. Zarghuna Khan

    Not to stress or overthink or know what’s need to take serious or what’s not to take ?

  9. Naushaba Akhter

    Assalam u alaikum all sisters

  10. Farah Abu-hijab

    Salaam Helah I’ve missed you and I’m so glad to be back to gain some wisdom

  11. Fozia Ali

    To be proactive and time management

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