What to do after a marital conflict – Islamic Center of Irving – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

What to do after a marital conflict – Islamic Center of Irving

by | Dec 9, 2017 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 57 comments

What to do after a marital conflict – Islamic Center of Irving


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  1. Anesha Karim

    Jazak’Allah Khayran

    • Wheeda Moughal

      Haleh Banani
      Would you be able to read my pm to yourself it would be much appreciated

  2. Casey Abd Elkader

    What should I do, my husband is always lying and unfaithful,, I’ve filed for divorce,, we will be divorced next month,, but I still question if I’m doing the right thing?

    • Haleh Banani

      I’m sorry to hear that. I would suggest doing marriage counseling before finalizing the divorce. I’ve been able to help many couples on the brink of divorce Alhamdulillah. http://Www.halehbanani.com

  3. Najia Gauci

    Masha allh. Baraka allhu fik

  4. Siham Ali

    I guess

  5. Siham Ali


  6. Najia Gauci

    Which Sala pls and where are you?

  7. Najia Gauci

    You can control yourself

  8. Siham Ali

    love the steps

  9. Najia Gauci

    O Allh give us the guidance and sabrr insha allh

  10. Yakubu Jenifatu

    Assalam alaykum sis haleh.i love you for the sake of Allah

  11. Najia Gauci

    I hold it for 10ssome time

  12. Muno Shire


  13. Siham Ali

    Anger issues

  14. Najia Gauci

    Soub7an allh.

  15. Siham Ali

    Criticizing all the time

  16. Najia Gauci

    Masha allh .could you please explain .how too respect the values of the right children as muslim please. Because they are alot of people let me .

  17. Siham Ali

    Biggest problem is lack of communication

  18. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    So true sis..truth is some men are so egoist dey jez won’t admit their fault..it true DAT some women are guilty of DAT too..but truly I don’t find it hard to say sorry ..but it hurt wen the other party feels he is always right

  19. Shaukat Asghar

    Very true many don’t admit ownership if the problem and also apologising.

  20. Shaukat Asghar

    So very true simmer Simmerwe are all guilty if that.

  21. Siham Ali


  22. Najia Gauci

    Does she a consulant or psychologist?

  23. Huda Awad

    From UK

  24. Wajid Shaikh

    Love from.Pakistan

  25. Bounab Istabraq

    وين هاذي نجية؟؟

  26. SaNa SaGhir

    Assalam o Alaikum I’m from Karachi. Pakistan

  27. Ifr Ahm

    Salaam sis

  28. Heba Hatim

    Alexandria, Egypt

  29. Lawal Adamu

    Lawal Adamu from Nigeria

  30. Farah Naz

    From Vancouver ,Canada

  31. Umu Khalifahs

    From Philadelphia Bilkis

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