3 Things That Are Preventing Your Happiness: – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

3 Things That Are Preventing Your Happiness:

by | Jan 21, 2021 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 17 comments

All of us are searching and yearning for happiness, but why are we finding it so hard to achieve it? Although are constantly striving for happiness, there is something that you are doing wrong subconsciously that is preventing you from being happy. 

There are 10 things that you could be doing wrong and you have no idea that this is preventing your happiness, but in this article, I am going to talk about three things that are keeping happiness away from you. If you would like to know about the remaining 7 mistakes, don’t forget to check out the Mindful Hearts Academy and register inshaAllah to gain instant access.

Three things that are stopping you from achieving happiness:

1- Fear:

The first thing is fear. You could have a fear of being happy. You might probably wonder what this is all about. You might be thinking there is nothing to be afraid of, but I  have actually had clients that have this limiting belief. They feel that if they become happy, then they will definitely be plagued with sadness any time soon. They keep anticipating when things might go wrong because everything seems so “perfect” right now. They already have it in their subconscious mind that if they experience joy, then they will definitely experience pain sooner, rather than later. So, even in moments of happiness, their hearts are anxious and fearful about what might go wrong next. This automatically prevents them from being happy and enjoying the moment that is right in front of them.

Many people often wait for negative outcomes rather than having a positive mindset. When they apply for a job, they might first assume that it may not work out or they may get rejected rather than thinking positively that it might work in their favor. They often think about what others are going to think about them. This subconscious fear needs to be tackled if you want to achieve happiness. 

2- Waiting for the “perfect” moment:

Many people wait for certain things to work out in their favor to be happy. They tie happiness to something that would happen in the future. So, for example, a person might think that they would be happy after they get married or have kids or find the perfect job or buy the perfect house. They end up focusing so much on what they don’t have that they fail to see what they do have right in front of them. They end up postponing their own happiness, in the process.

If you are one of those people, realize that your life is a journey, not a destination. You will find pockets of happiness along the way. Search for them and cherish them rather than constantly looking ahead and seeing what you are “missing” out on.  Have you noticed how people who finally get a degree feel happy, but this happiness only lasts for a short period of time, because they start worrying next about having to find a job or get married, etc.? This is what happens when you tie happiness to something you haven’t achieved yet. Rather, focus on what you have right now, and aim to build the best future you can, for your dunya and akhirah. Never stop focusing on Allah’s blessings and mercy. That is when you will enjoy the whole process, and truly be content with everything Allah has given you. 

Look at your life as a road trip. You may be eager to arrive at your destination, but after arriving at your destination, you will reminisce about all the good times, the pleasant sceneries, and hearty laughs you had with your loved ones while being on that road trip. That is how life is as well. We have to see everyday events in our life as being joyous, rather than wait for something to occur in the future. 

3- Comparing:

It is very easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives with others, especially in this day and age of social media. Looking at picture-perfect photos and 15-second videos of friends and strangers have made us feel “imperfect” in front of the “perfect” lives shared by others. All of us know what we see online is far from the truth. A few seconds of videos and perfectly edited photos do not in any way give us an insight into the lives of people. However, when we are constantly comparing and looking at others, we fail to see what we have in front of us. This ruins our happiness and leaves us feeling jealous of others too.

At the Mindful Hearts Academy, I will be sharing all ten things that could be preventing you from experiencing happiness. Click on the button below and be a part of our journey inshaAllah.

May Allah allows us to recognize His blessings and be grateful for Him at all times, so we can consciously choose happiness and contentment over anxiety and hopelessness. Ameen

For further guidance, you can find some free courses and content on how to enhance your marriage. Also, you can download a free PDF from the website to benefit from it, Insha’Allah.


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  1. Adam Suhaimi


  2. Ghada Hawash

    Mine is comparing

  3. Farida Far


  4. Orooj Arif

    As Salam o alaikum

  5. Sarah Achraf

    I have the first reason: fear

  6. Za Hee Nab

    Walaekum Salam I’m depressed because of my past sin(major sins)

    • Haleh Banani

      Za Hee Nab You can always repent and make new commitments to Allah. Remember the door of repentance is always open! Join the Mindful Hearts Academy to get the support: http://Www.themindfulhearts.com

  7. Zubeida Ottley

    Wahleikum Salaam. Alhamdhulilah another lecture, interesting points.

  8. Faduma Ali

    Mashaa alaah

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