Blind and a Beaming Visionary: The Inspirational Life of a visually impaired Muslim Mother and Working Professional Sumaira Latif – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Blind and a Beaming Visionary: The Inspirational Life of a visually impaired Muslim Mother and Working Professional Sumaira Latif

by | Aug 18, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing | 37 comments

Blind and a Beaming Visionary: The Inspirational Life of a visually impaired Muslim Mother and Working Professional Sumaira Latif


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  1. Saba Quraishi

    MashAllah tabarakAllah Sumaira Latif, you are amazingly inspirational . Thank you for sharing your story

  2. Zohra Khan

    Mashallah, she is inspirational. Stay blessed

  3. Samar Siddiqui

    Subhanallah Such an inspiration ! May Allah always Bless Sister Samaira Latif .

  4. Samiya Khalid

    This was really inspiring Ma Sha ALLAH

  5. Shabina Shaw Bacchus

    Maa Shaa Allah. May Allah make it easy for you.

  6. Soraya Wise

    Ma Sha Allah , very inspirational. Yes

  7. Maryam Lora

    Asalamu Alikom WB. Beautiful inspirational story of our sister Sam Latif . Mashallah tabarakallah

  8. Sadia Aslam

    My son 17 and he is born blind and masha Allah he is very beautiful soul

  9. Sadia Aslam

    Masha Allah sister sam

  10. Hasan Khan


  11. Nadia Hawa

    Thank you very much!

  12. Zohra Arsala

    Masha’Allah You are an inspiration

  13. Nadia Hawa

    Love you Sam Latif

  14. Nadia Hawa

    This interview has been amaaazing mashaAllah!

  15. Kauthar Busari

    You are so sweet sister Your best friend is Allah.

  16. Kauthar Busari

    Gratitude for what we have

  17. Nadia Hawa

    MashaAllah amazing family xxx

  18. Ayesanda Win

    JazakAllahu Khair sisters, this is so beautiful =’) SubhanAllah

  19. Nadia Hawa

    Beautiful, sincere tawakkul mashaAllah

  20. Kauthar Busari

    Am impressed with the way you turn your disability into ability

  21. Suzan Barakat

    Masha’ALLAH so resourceful and inspirational. Jazakee ALLAH khair for sharing your story, challenges, contagious optimism and beautiful soul with us. May ALLAH always bless and protect you and your family lovely sister Sumaira.

  22. Haidar Ali

    Subhan allh

  23. Nadia Hawa

    So resourceful mashaAllah

  24. M. Muhammad

    Haleha I need soulmate from your side

  25. Fatima Khan

    Assalamu alaikum Sis Haleh and Sis Sam latif.

    • M. Muhammad

      I also medically legal advisor for the time of life I believed her recommendation

  26. Ayesha Omar

    Assalam u walekum

  27. Nadia Hawa

    Yaaay Saaaam!

  28. Nadia Hawa

    Salam Alaikum Sister Haleh and Sam Latif

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