Depression and hopelessness Islamic Association of Collin County Youth Event: Psyched – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Syed Jamaluddin

    Time understand our self and our lord. Allah & it’s Commands,Simply follows Islam these Incidents should develop our patience. It’s time to reach & provide the real message of peace & prosperity of Islamic Practice in every Step & Stage Of our life..Rest Of things let to Allah SWT. EVERY THING HAPPENS FOR REST OF THE BEST. May Allah bless & Shower his bounties. Amin

  2. Atiya Khan

    Your way of talking so beautiful

  3. Atiya Khan

    MashaaAllah lovely

  4. Atiya Khan


  5. Salim Habib Shaikh

    Haram Income Is the Leading cause of Depression.

  6. Lina Almounajed

    Ahmad H. Saqr Duaa Haggag

  7. Irani Jamshed

    Subhanallah Allah hi wa Bihamdihi SUBHANALLAH HIL AGJEEM. Allah swt grant you all please make sure Don’t forget to make special dua for me and my children’s grandchildren. INSHAÀLLAH ALL OF MY SISTER’S Remember me & my famley in yr’s neak dua. I will be great full,peaceful. May Allah blessd you all…AMEEN ALLAH HUMMA AMEEN.

    • Haleh Banani

      Irani Jamshed May Allah answer all your dua! I will pray for you and your family

  8. Mohamed Parvez

    A salute to all the brave,hard working mothers who have special child to look after.They work 24*7 for their special children without complaining.surely,there is reward n Jannah for these beautiful,kind mothers.

  9. Mohamed Parvez

    Going out of our way for the physically or mentally challenged, by being concerned about their well being, making them feel worthwhile through our words or actions, is an act of worship.

    At times we do not realise the number of people affected by such disabilities or challenges and the hardships endured by them and their families.

    A kind word, a helping hand or a simple gift, goes a long way in boosting their morale and promoting the great values that the success of any society is based upon.

    Those who assist in educating children with disabilities and create opportunities for them shall receive a multiplied reward with blessings being showered upon them.

    On the other hand, making those who have been tested with disabilities feel unwanted or sub-human is a grave sin. Bear in mind that they are brought into this world as a test for the rest of mankind.

    When last have you helped people with disabilities, made them feel good, given them extra attention or even visited a school or home that caters for them and lent your support?

    Even a regular prayer for them is a good staring point.

    We can all do better in this regard.

  10. Naushaba Akhter

    Focus your mind what do you have

  11. Nimo Omar

    There no cure if you loose your mind but just keep praying for Allah the medication will cause more then what you have may Allah cure anyone who suffering for mental illness ameen

  12. Naushaba Akhter

    Start communicating ..sorry for typo

  13. Naushaba Akhter

    First: start commenting
    Second: exercise

  14. David Masood

    Great work. Much needed.

  15. Naushaba Akhter

    Not living according to your value.will make people depressed.

  16. Naushaba Akhter

    Making changes in your attitude. How you react is can learn skills to change your happiness.

  17. Naushaba Akhter

    More you ignore it..the bigger is their mental health problem. Mental health is a test.

  18. Naushaba Akhter

    # 7 feeling of worthlessness.
    # 8 thinking of suicide..only escape of death

  19. Naushaba Akhter

    3# lack of interest / motivation/ enthusiasm learning Grateful to you sister.

  20. Naushaba Akhter

    Hopelessness # 2. No matter what people say you feel hopelessness. ..Learned .Thank you for teaching us.

  21. Naushaba Akhter

    Persistent sadness #1 sign of depression. Learned

  22. Kp Mohammed

    She is carismatic orator

  23. Kp Mohammed

    In America?

  24. Kp Mohammed

    Where is this speaking

  25. Aminah Que

    Wish sound was better

  26. Kp Mohammed

    I am from india

  27. Kp Mohammed

    جزاك الله

  28. Kp Mohammed

    ما شاء الله

  29. Kp Mohammed

    Pls show the audience

  30. Kp Mohammed

    Can see the audience?

  31. Jenn Stilo

    Would love the name of the book I didnt hear it

    • Haleh Banani

      Jenn Stilo the How of Happiness

  32. Mohamed Parvez

    A special Dua for all of you…

    Ya Allah

    Those who are suffering depression, give them happiness and joy.
    Those who are poor, give them wealth.
    Those who are weak, give them strength.
    Bless those who have no children, with pious and righteous children.
    Those who have children, make their children the coolness of their eyes.
    Make their children obedient to them, and make their children obedient to You and Your Rasul.
    Remove the problems of all those who are suffering any difficulty and problem.
    Bless those brothers and sisters who are looking for marriage partners, with good and righteous marriage partners, who will be an assistance to their Deen.
    Put love between husbands and wives, parents and children, brothers and sisters.
    Unite the hearts of brothers and sisters, of parents and children, of husbands and wives, and of the entire Ummat.

  33. Mohamed Parvez

    If any of you are depressed
    – Do more for the sake of Allah
    – Give more money
    – Getup in the early morning, pray to Allah s.w.t
    – Begin to read the Quran

    You will see, your thoughts will change. The way you experience the world becomes differently.

    — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

  34. Jenn Stilo

    Salam walakum I’m so glad to hear a sister speak up about this so many sisters suffering in silence

    • Haleh Banani

      Jenn Stilo I know…Alhamdulillah

    • Haleh Banani

      Ema Rado Dylgjeri thank you!

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