Grieving with ihsan – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Sharifha Syed

    Thank you so much. I feel so much comfort after listening to both sisters. I lost my husband in 2019. May Allah grant him the best place in jannah

  2. Sima Jan

    Mahjube JamiulAhmadi

  3. Shogufta Haq

    SubhanAllah, may Allah swt grant us this patience

  4. Aayeshah Awan

    Subhaan Allah! Ma shaa Allaah! You are a true pic of Sbr. Your calm attitude shows your true self. I wonder who kept holding your tears all this time. May Allah bless you more. Ameen

  5. Fouziya Sk

    May Allah gives shifa

  6. Samia Anas

    My third time listening to this talk. It helped me a talk in putting things into perspective. Very beneficial talk.
    Thank you Haleh Banani

  7. Huraira Huraira

    Subhan Allah amazing words love this video.

  8. May Hussein

    Mashallah I’m in tears because I’m so weak even at the thought of loss. Ya Rab!

  9. Haleh Banani

    Alhamdulillah that you all benefitted from this video. Shereen is family – her children are my nieces and I only hug them. I’m very careful about social distancing, wearing a mask and not hugging. Even when people came to give condolences I wouldn’t hug and kiss.. She’s in my inner circle and we only interact with a few individuals. In case you were wondering!

    • Noor Moussawi

      Haleh Banani May Allah continuously reward you and keep u in our lives as a shining light. Jzk sister

      • Noor Moussawi

        Haleh Banani wallahee your videos are so helpful and wonderful first time I don’t notice this lol

  10. Anissa Benali

    عظم الله اجركم.

  11. Hibah Awwad

    My condolences habeebty Haleh Banani <3 <3

  12. Shahnaz Bano

    JazakAllah Khair for sharing your way of grieving in the best way

  13. Shaista Hakim

    Alhamdulillah subhan Allah

  14. Saima Zakir

    Thankyou sisters

  15. Saima Zakir

    Smiling is a charity

  16. Saima Zakir

    Acceptance yes helps so much. Tawaqul in Allah

  17. Saima Zakir

    I’m trying to support my nephew over thr phone as he lives abroad, his mother passed away last Tuesday. He says his mother was his best friend and that he feel like he can’t go to his best friends house. He feels the pain is destroying him. He’s only ten and a half years old. Anything you suggest I can say to him to give him strength.

  18. Saima Zakir

    I always find the relationship between identical twins amazing. Allah reward you both sisters.

  19. Amina Hussain

    Jazakallah Sr.Haleh

  20. Maya Hadie

    6 ft distancing sisters.

  21. Naushaba Akhter

    Jazakallah khairan sisters

  22. Naushaba Akhter

    Assalam u alaikum sisters Haleh and sister Khateeb

  23. Aziza Salim

    Iman Eiman Kirmani , سبحان الله , May Allah grant your father highest level in Jannah , You are in my Dua’a

    • Eiman Kirmani

      Aziza Salim جزاك الله خيراً كثيراً for sharing it. Much needed.

  24. Shazia Abbasi us taqwa

  25. Shazia Abbasi

    Best tome to watch this video, subhan Allah in afternoon I was feeling alone and missing my dad… same way I contained myself!

  26. Jameela Karim

    Assalam your words are very important

  27. Majida Aslam

    Jazak Allah khair sister Haleh Banani may Allah bless you ameen you are amazing person and Subhan Allah your sadqa jariya for your parents

  28. Ayne Nathalie

    MashaAllah TabarakAllah

  29. Fatima Zb

    This world is transitory too

  30. Fatima Zb

    Yes temporary

  31. Fozia Soobedar

    SubhaanAllah it is all so much more clear now…

  32. Anita Alvarez

    Your words bring comfort and peace to my soul and help me understand things in a much clearer way.

  33. Fozia Soobedar

    May Allah continue to Bless you with the Sabr & Khayr … Shukran for sharing these moments with us… I am truly grateful for this Beautiful lesson Stay Precious

  34. Umme Zayna

    JazakAllah khaira for exploring this topic

  35. Farisha Abouheif Aldean

    The timing for this was so perfect. I will share this message with my cousin who is having a hard time losing her eldest brother, who was her father figure. Will be sharing this with her Insha Allah.

  36. Fanta Kaba

    JazakAllah Khair both for you sharing

  37. Fanta Kaba

    Well said,subhana Allah

  38. Fathima Zahan

    A true believer I believe will never complain cos of the beautiful teachings of our beautiful Deen, Alhamdulillah

  39. Asiyah Sims

    Very important topic sisters

  40. Asiyah Sims

    Asalaamu Alaikum

  41. Noor Moussawi

    We love you for Allah’s sake

  42. Shazia Patel

    Assalaamu alaykum sisters

  43. Kauthar Busari

    Your words are encouraging

  44. Noor Moussawi

    Please keep us in your blessed Du’a

  45. Farah Mahmood

    How do we deal with the loss of a child?

    • Shazia Abbasi

      Sister watch this video from the start may Allah give his rehmah aameen

  46. Noor Moussawi

    Your words full of Hikma

  47. Numera Kazmi

    JzakaAllah, your words are important in this place and times.

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