Have resilience in your marriage – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Kylani Sura

    Ameen rabi inshallah

  2. Noor Moussawi

    You look alhamdulilah refreshed, May Allah help you with what you went through. May Allah have mercy on your mom and give you strength and Baraka and happiness. Love you for Allah’s sake. Each word you say is so precious to me, may Allah rewRd you

  3. Fathima Sheik Mohideen

    Dear haleh…May Allah SWT give good health and long prosperous righteous life dearAmeen
    Be a STRONG MUSLIM..Allah SWT loves those who are strong

  4. Riham Helal

    I love yr smile and yr optimistic face you have beautiful soul i like it beside yr thoughtds , i liks yr word zoom out and not zoom in . Agree with you we have to be felixable to keep the things not broken we have to try everytime

  5. Shehaam Diedericks

    Subghaanallah may Allah ajazawal bless you and may you always be a beacon of light Ameen

  6. Shanaaz Grewe

    Jazakallah for this eye opener

  7. Adee Owais

    Mashaa Allah a beautiful soul with beautiful thoughts…

  8. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Loved it…. zoom out! Not zoom in!

  9. Nafisa Hoosen

    Ma sa Allah. Almighty blessed you for this resilience topic .

  10. Nafisa Hoosen

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته!.

  11. Abed Muriby

    You are so genuine, convincing and inspirational. May Allah bless you with more wisdom and more Iman.

    • Haleh Banani

      Abed Muriby Thank you ya Baba. It means so much to me. You envisioned me contributing from years before mashaAllah. Love you and Mama so much! You both are my second set of parents mashaAllah!

  12. Rubana Bahar Priti

    Off topic… I just want to tag along with you next time you go wardrobe shopping. Masha Allah sister Haleh you are amazing in every way

    • Haleh Banani

      Rubana Bahar Priti That’s so sweet of you! Thank you for your loving comment!

  13. Fozia Soobedar

    JazaakAllah Khayr for sharing your Knowledge and Wisdom

    • Haleh Banani

      Fozia Soobedar You’re so welcome!

  14. Fozia Soobedar

    Assalaamu Alaykum dear sister Haleh frm South Africa

  15. Susan Susan

    There is a time for everything

  16. Neda Aziz Aqel

    عظم الله اجركم ورحم ميتكم والهمكم الصبر والسلوان. الله يبرد قلبكم ويعطيكم الصبر

  17. Yilmaz Dursun

    MashAllah Sister, Allah bless you and family, Amin ya rabbil alemin

  18. Neda Aziz Aqel

    Mashallah. You look awsome. Tabarak Allah.

  19. Lulley Rau'aa

    Masha Allah ,its good to have you.
    Thank you for advices

  20. Nafisa Morado

    Asa, where will the PDF be located ? Shukran

    • Bilaal Jagessur

      Haleh Banani I can not get the pdf can you please send me in an email if possible

  21. Judi Loz

    I love this shoe comparison

  22. Fatima Zb

    Jazakhula khairun for your perspective and experience

  23. Dar Nazeer

    Aslam o alikum sister
    Love u from Kashmir

  24. Sabahat Talha

    I love listening to u

  25. Achernar Sirius

    salam alaykom . you look so beautiful MashaaAllah. baraka Allah fik

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You Can Fix Your Marriage Even If You Are The Only One Working To Save It


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