How To Hit The Ajer Jackpot!? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology
The Ajer Jackpot

Hit the Ajer Jackpot:

Rewards (ajer in Arabic)? Those are fascinating things, right? I mean, who doesn’t love to win prizes, especially when there’s an easy way to put all those rewards and ajer in your name.

For the sake of pleasing and being recognized by the Creator of All Beings, people do a lot of bright deeds, including community work such as mosque building, provision of food and shelter for the orphans and the widows, charity, etc. And while these pathways to obtaining the ajer are undoubtedly rewarding, unfortunately, they’re also not suitable for many people. Taking part in the deeds mentioned above may either strain their physique (if they’re not physically strong) or may shrivel their bank accounts.

Are you curious to know about one of the easiest, if not the easiest, way itself, to hit the ajer jackpot and rise among the ranks of the men and women favored by Almighty Allah? Yes, no matter whether you’re rich or poor, ill or in good health, this way to obtain ajer and be recognized by your Lord is open to all!

Take the Initiative and Win the Ajer Jackpot:

Without further ado, let’s hear it: Taking the initiative in repairing your relationships with people you’ve become fed up with is just the way to place that ajer jackpot in your name. 

Although initiating the contact doesn’t cost you any money or great physiological stress, it’s certainly not a piece of cake for most people. You see, it takes a great deal of courage, willpower, and humbleness when trying to be the first one to establish peace. Moreover, it may hurt and even shred your ego and pride to innumerable pieces. And just because of that, most individuals chose NOT to mend and repair their relationships; instead, they pay heed to ignorance. 

They simply ignore these blood and soul relationships, thinking how it may help them get rid of the problems and make things less stressful. Unfortunately, this is as far from the truth as the distance between the North and the South Poles. Yes, ignoring each other may work well in the short term, but this way, you’ll only end up with more and more significant problems.

"Ignorance is a short term solution to a long term problem, which may end up having those problems transforming themselves into cancerous tumors and diseases, all due to the lack of enough attention at the right time."

Case Studying on the Side-effects and Consequences of Ignorance:

Let’s suppose you’ve been married for a while, but your in-laws aren’t that enthusiastic towards you. You’ve tried to patch up things quite a few times, but each effort ended up with failure until you finally had enough! Now, at this point, you may say it like, “Forget it. I’ll just ignore them from now on as if we don’t know each other.”

Yes, such a decision may help you avoid the present awkwardness and estrangement feelings; however, it won’t work well for the future.

For one, your kids may grow up as strangers to your in-laws because you don’t like to visit them often. Many other things may end up as twisted all because of that choice you made to avoid the temporary embarrassment just to end up with permanent resentment.

Islam’s Stance for Those Taking the First Step:

Islam prioritizes the one who takes the initiative in good deeds when rewarding. Don’t dream for the other person to take that first step in sewing and stitching the relationship. No, not for a second! 

The Prophet S.A.W said, 

"For those who feel like their dignity got hurt when apologizing to somebody, take it from me on the Day of Judgement."

The above hadith explains how a Muslim never ends up with a loss even if you take the initiative to mend your broken relationships. So what better assurance is there than the Prophet’s promise to satisfy you in the end just in case you end up with a loss when trying to smooth up your relationships with others?

Hence, remember to be the first to propose a truce in case a bad seed develops in your relationships. Do that, and most certainly, you’ll end up with that Jackpot of Ajer and Rewards we all crave for!

Free Gifts to Help You Mend Your Relationships:

Short notice here! Just in case you’re in a marriage that has started to move down the wrong lane, and you’re worried but don’t know how to fix things, why not pay a quick visit to my website and download the Free PDF there (7 Gems on How to Save Your Marriage)?

Also, I’ve compiled an Absolutely Free of Cost master class on 5 Ways to Save Your Marriage. Believe me when I say, “You don’t want to miss that one!”

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  1. Mona A. Sattar

    Assalamu alaikum sister Hala

  2. Subia Mahmood

    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

  3. Aliyu Lawal

    Wslm Dr ya aiki,yasu aunty Amina da iyalanta

  4. Munni Khan

    My daughter had a high dreprassion

  5. Munni Khan

    Sister can you have therapy sassion for my daughter

  6. Ola Mohamed

    Totally true

  7. Tahirah Muslimah

    As-salam Alaykum dear Haleh and all

  8. Ozozahuwa Ugonoh

    As salaam alaykum warahamatullahi wabarakatuhu

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