Muslim family in Dallas- Homicide/Suicide due to depression. Mental Health Matters – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Muslim family in Dallas- Homicide/Suicide due to depression. Mental Health Matters

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Depression, Mental Health Awareness, Suicide Prevention | 118 comments

Muslim family in Dallas- homicide/ Suicide due to depression.
Mental Health Matters


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  1. Yvonne Court

    Depression is a difficult issue. Mental Health is a situation beyond religion !
    ps. Even kids (perhaps Muslim) without ‘good education’ are susceptible. Everyone needs to be understood.

    • Karen Harrison

      So sad, l hope we never go through this

      • Karen Harrison

        Yvonne Court l hope as a family we never go though this, and yes we do have depression in our family but pray it doesn’t go this far

  2. Bro KD

    Hi haleh banani
    I have some question to ask
    Would you help me

  3. Fatuma Waqo

    Thenk you sis

  4. Nyla Dade

    U have to get medication it’s no shame

  5. Rafaatlulu Ikram

    And ppl r brutally no time for the sick sad v sad

  6. Rafaatlulu Ikram

    Mental health is so taken for granted

  7. Ti Sonner

    Inni.laila rajoon

  8. Halima Kamani

    SubhanAllah mental health is so important! Really appreciate this!

  9. Halima Kamani

    JazakAllah Khair for this important reminder

  10. Diane Stetson

    Psycotropic drugs for depression is not a solution..they often are the cause of the mayhem which occurs.
    Depression comes from satanic whisperings of fear, failure and hopelessness.
    Quran is the cure…you will not find a better one.
    But because its free, its disparaged or outright dismissed.
    Sadly, often recreational drugs like weed and mushrooms can elicit paranoia leading to murder.
    There is proof from Allah that any substance which alters the haram.
    Yet few will take heed.

    • Shaheen Miah

      Chic Lazare
      JazakAllah Khairan

      • Chic Lazare

        Shaheen Miah
        Maybe they were not afflicted with normal depression or normal mental probs
        Sihr and jinn can make u think and feel as if yr depressed or stress and make them kill.
        Allah knows best

        • Shaheen Miah

          Chic Lazare
          It’s possible
          Allah knows best

  11. Talat Sabah

    Public centers should be developed in every community to provide any type of health and safety during Pandemic is urgent need .

  12. Talat Sabah

    Extremely sad

  13. Raja Anwar

    Walikum al Salam

  14. Danyal Masoud

    Thank you so much for addressing this. Well said Mashallah.

  15. Shazia Zaidi

    This is true we should help each other and help seek if they needed

  16. Gina Ayubi

    No this is not depression!! Don’t do that. This is frustration. It’s different ball game.

  17. Anna Pettersson

    Thank you fore this word . Is sad

  18. Amna Hussain

    It is reported that a Dallas teen named Farhan Tawhid and his brother murdered his mom, dad, grandmother, and sister, then committed suicide.

    In the suicide note, the alleged killer explains his reasoning for committing such acts.

    He says he was depressed for much of his teenage years. He didn’t feel like anyone cared. He didn’t like how a popular TV show (The Office) ended.

    He argues: The purpose of life is happiness. Therefore, if I am not happy, I should just kill myself. But that will increase the sadness of my family who will mourn my death. Therefore, I will help them by killing them as well. In fact, that is the only logical path given that the purpose of life is happiness. If happiness decreases, there is no point in living.

    This is pure utilitarian reasoning. It is the product of a hyper analytic mind that is developed through modern secular education more generally.

    This is among the many reasons atheism and secular psychology are so anti-human and ultimately immoral, despite atheists and secularists claiming to be “humanists” and highly moral. Their twisted reasoning about happiness logically leads to unspeakable crimes. This fact is evidence of how false their “rational” beliefs are.

    This consequence of secular atheism is discussed at length in our recent Genius of Islam video: Dark Truths About the Atheist Mind (Link in comments).


    Some misguided and misguiding Muslim figures are going to use this reported killing to push the importance of mental health services and psychology more generally. They are going to say that this event shows how real of a problem depression is and it is wrong to diagnose a depressed person as having a lack of iman, and it is wrong for imams to recommend prayer and aqidah and taqwa and `ibadah as a cure for depression. These imams should “know their role” and leave these issues to the mental health professionals.

    But the reality is, this alleged killer *was* seeking professional psychological help. He describes it in detail in his suicide note. He says he has been in counseling and on prescription pills for years but it did not help him and in fact it made him more depressed and frustrated.

    Yet, the note makes no mention of Islam, iman, Quran, Sunnah, nothing. It seems that `ibadah and iman were exactly what he needed.

    I am not denying that depression can be a big mental problem that needs to be addressed with compassion.

    BUT why would we assume that secular psychology or “islamicized” secular psychology would provide any answers or solutions to the problem?

    The problem is precisely the secular understanding of the human being at the core of a modernist worldview that is presumed by modern psychology and its cheap “islamic” iterations that are peddled nowadays.

    It is precisely the modern secular dystopia that is responsible for so much of the depression people suffer. But some want to tell us that the poison is also the cure. How strange!

    May Allah protect us and our families with the shield of iman and guidance.

  19. Maria Rincon

    yazakiAllahukhair for the advice.

  20. Shajeda Anwar

    Jazakallahu khairan sister Haleh. Very important message for us.

  21. Samia Hassan

    It’s really sad

  22. Nebat Fetene

    Depression is the worst disease ever ..but everyone ignores it or doest give so much focus on it but its taking millions of souls away ..wellahi the best medicine for depression is our religious believe ..we must stick to our religion we shall have more connection with our creator ..thank u haleh for addressing these issue we beg you on the name of Allah to work on this issue

  23. Hanan Gharib Elzeiny

    Jazakum Allah kheir Haleh…great addressing of the topic…

  24. Hanadi Kisar Hendi

    Jazakum Allah Khairan dear Haleh. May Allah have mercy on them. So sad.

  25. Nina Obeid

    So true!

  26. Fa Iza

    Thank you SO much for raising voice on all this. Mental health is completely ignored when physical illness is taken so seriously.

  27. Fa Iza

    Please keep raising awareness. In east mental health is not acknowledged AT ALL.

  28. Fa Iza

    You are saying everything right. This is exactly how it is.

  29. Suraya Sayadi

    Can depression be cured or you just have to manage it so that it doesn’t relapse?

  30. Imen Trabelsi

    It’s heartbreaking. I went through severe depression and suffered from it over a year. At that time I didn’t know what was going on with me and I was getting even worse. I reached the point where I started to have suicidal thoughts. Alhamdulelah when I realised that I was suffering from OCD, generalized anxiety and depression, I stood up for myself and sought medical help. Now I have fully recovered from it and I feel grateful for Allah who has given me another chance to live and take care my children and family.

  31. Lina Alam

    Mujtaba Alam Sabeen Alam-Zaib Nausheen Khan – Alam

    • Lina Alam

      Please watch… such a wake up call
      I see this all the time and it can be scary how hidden this can be

      Please sit down with all your kids and have a heart to heart on how they feel and what their needs are and if they feel sad or depressed or anxious
      This is so so important

      • Sabeen Alam-Zaib

        Lina Alam this made me.cry. I am a social service worker and I see this all around me. It’s a hush hush matter in our community but the stigma has to go. I have experienced the downside first hand and this is a serious matter. Thank you lina. Sharing it. I still have tears as I do….

  32. Tahmina A Rahman

    Inna lillahe wa inna ilaihe rajiun … really really sad … soooo true… getting help, getting treated is so important for mental health!

  33. Shereen Iqbal

    Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi rajioon

  34. Anne Nurdiani

    Most people don’t know the person itself doesn’t want to have depression or any just don’t know or have access to cope it

  35. Sukoon Quteifan

    I have never seen your face sad like this subhan Allah you are truly sad

  36. Sarkar Sahib

    Please read the letter from one of the boy before he shot himself. They were under enormous depression since 2016.

  37. Adita Barekzai

    Very grateful to you and again thank you for talking about mental health. It is more important than physical health than anything

  38. Adita Barekzai

    Thank you for raising awareness

  39. Nahla Hosny

    Jazaki Allah Khairan dear Haleh

  40. Wossen Negussu

    JKH sister, you right we are missing this big time!!

  41. Atiya Begum

    I am glad you are discussing on this topic.. it is so much important to talk about mental health openly and we have to understand it is not a taboo it is just an illness like physical illness.. I still can’t get over the news about Dallas family

  42. Uzma Shereen

    True people don’t understand mental health is as important as physical. Very sad plus people specially our community look down on them. If they have cancer or heart attack they get much sympathy than people who are mentally sickness.

  43. Zubeida Ottley

    Ya’Allah Ar’Rahmanu Ar’Raheemu. This news is so soo sad listening about this incident. It’s heartbreaking.

  44. Khadija Rg

    One brother was older the other was younger and had a twin sister

  45. Mubina Ashraf

    So true, it is a wake up call.
    May Allah make it easy on all those kids who are suffering mental health issues.
    Thanking for discussing this eye opening topic.

  46. Sabahat Ahmed

    Inna lilahi wa inna alayhi rajioon Ya Allah

  47. Safia Khan

    People need to understand that depression is a disease like if any part of body is hurting we are looking treatment so do with the depression need to take a disease which need treatment

  48. Maliha Ekram

    Very well said. Our community needs more awareness on mental health. It’s not a taboo. Please seek help

  49. Saiqa Khan

    Very sadthanks for an eye opening talk

  50. Safia Khan

    Very sad incident

  51. Bibi Zakia

    Many are ashamed to seek help

  52. Fathima Zahan

    Religious foundation is very very important. I am not talking about being extreme. Faith is the only Saviour, start early and

  53. Hatim Mohammed

    Assalamu Alaikum. My dear Sister can you do an extra session dealing with signs of depressions and places where one can go to seek help. Thank you

  54. Fathima Zahan

    Absolutely grateful to you for addressing this matter and for spreading awareness

  55. Adama La Belle Kaba

    Yes we do, mental health is a pandemic in itself

  56. Saima Zakir

    Mental health can affect anyone at any time in their lives. We’re all part of this

  57. Fathima Zahan


  58. Fathima Zahan

    Very very sad . What had to happen happened please young parents give some constant reminders. of religious values to your kids from their childhood. They should grow up with a solid foundation.

  59. Saima Zakir

    Allah bless us all with more compassion for others

  60. Mariam Etsu


  61. Muna Mohamed

    SubhanaAllah, Yaa Allah grant them your mercy

  62. Fatim Kaba


  63. Jessie Klaaste

    In Na liela hie wa Ina liela rajieoen

  64. Hatim Mohammed

    What were the causes of this depression of depression in generally for the benefit of others

  65. Iyad Alnachef

    When ignored, these untreated issues will manifest themselves in abusive behavior many years from now.

  66. Shaista Mukadam

    Terribly sad for the community

  67. Shaista Mukadam

    How did they manage to get hold of the guns? Obsession with the office series

  68. Fatima Zb

    Let’s call it what it is, stop the domestic neglect and abuse

  69. Hamdi Hassan

    Manshall jasakallah

  70. Fatima Zb

    Parents need to assess their mental health always too! Right on about those grades

  71. Fatima Zb

    Generational dismissive ness

  72. Huwaida Mansoor

    What I read, his dad did everything he could. Got

  73. Fatima Zb

    Jazakhula to yo for addressing this

  74. Fatima Zb

    Thank you Hale

  75. Imrana Hadi

    Terrifying loss! Allah have mercy on human race!!

  76. Fatima Zahraah Abduraouf

    Assalámu Alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuhu Wamahfirratuhu. I’m just thinking as a Muslim – am I wrong to think that should strengthen one’s eemaan all of the time through Thikrullaah- reading Al Quran – talking and interacting with friends and family – getting support from loved ones – it’s just a question

    • Shaista Mukadam

      Its more than that, needs counselling and professional medication

      • Faheema Abrahams

        Aslms sister you are wrong, will you tell someone who has cancer to strengthen their I aan & make thikrullah. Its an illness.

  77. Bouchra Elh

    Inna lillaahi wa inna Ilayhi raji’oon

  78. Nadia Hawa

    How terribly sad

  79. Munawara Hussen Esmael

    Maa Shaa Allah Tabarakallah I missed your lecture lately

  80. Samina Maqdum

    I read that we’re getting treated and we’re on medication too . It’s really sad .

    • Samina Maqdum

      *Read that they were getting treated & were on medication- sorry for typos

  81. Aneeka Zia

    0mgxjmjwa0m jadgjawtwtw.n.m000000000000♤1}♡♤111 》》¤》》

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