Small steps for a quality life! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Small Steps that will Improve the Quality of Your Life

Summary by Staff writer

Do you find that you sit around for hours and hours? Do you sit at your desk all day at work? Do you nest on the couch all day at home? Not getting up and moving around a bit can leave you feeling groggy. You will end up dragging yourself around; dragging yourself out of bed; dragging yourself off to work; dragging yourself around the house. That grogginess and dragging feeling don’t make for a good quality of life. Here are just a few steps you can take to get back to feeling happy, vibrant and healthy.

Little Steps

The first step is literally steps. Simply getting up and walking around for five minutes. Get up from your desk every hour and walk around the office or, if you are at home, take five minutes to walk around the house. I like to walk up and down a long hall between sessions, I find it very invigorating. You don’t have to go miles and miles and it’s not a race; just moving around enough to perk you up a bit.

Best Parking Spot

Skip the search for the parking space closest to the door and, instead, park farther away. Get some more walking and steps in as you make your way into the store. Again, you don’t have to jog from the car to the door, just take this as an opportunity to get more steps into your day. Do you have a Fitbit? See how many steps you can add to your day just by parking further away on that trip to the grocery store.


Take the stairs instead of the elevator when you can, even if it’s just one flight. I was working on the 21st floor in a building in downtown Houston and the elevator broke down. To leave we had to take the stairs all the way down. That really got the blood pumping! That was a bit extreme though and you don’t have to go that far. Just skip the elevator sometimes and add to your steps by taking the stairs.

You might not have time to get to the gym everyday but these little bursts and extra steps will get your blood pumping and fuel your energy. You need to move around so you aren’t groggy and dragging. A foggy, groggy state creates a bad mindset that can make it difficult to come up with solutions.

If you do a little bit more moving around and taking action every day, it will increase your quality of life. Take a walk, take action, park at the far end of the lot, take the stairs, generally find was to squeeze in some movement and exercise. Stand sometimes instead of sitting all the time. I have a desk I can lift so I can alternate between sitting and standing while I work. Sitting is the new smoking, too much time sitting is bad and you are harming yourself. Take the initiative to walk around more every hour; get up, walk around the house or wander the halls at the office. Push yourself to get more steps into your day.

The pandemic has left a lot of people overwhelmed and, maybe, not taking the best care of themselves. We wanted to serve the community and we’ve created a space to help encourage you to move more, eat healthier, and to improve the quality of your life. Join us at our free Facebook page “Get Healthy With Haleh: Healthy Mulsim Women” [LINK]. Bring a friend and get in a great state of mind before Ramadan. Clear away that groggy feeling with movement and healthy eating.

Don’t underestimate the power of movement to help you clear your mind. Get your blood pumping by taking at least five minutes of every hour to walk around, move around. Join us in the “Get Healthy With Haleh: Healthy Muslim Women” Facebook group and share the excitement of getting healthy with thousands of sisters who are changing their lives. [Masha’Allah] experts will inspire you to eat healthy so you can lose weight and feel great. They share amazing recipes and can also answers any questions you might have about supplements,

Get inspired and motivated to live a good, quality life. Movement, what you’re eating and who you’re around all affect the quality of your life. Join our group of women who are motivated about looking their best and being their best; find inspiration to reach that next level. We would love to serve you and heap you to achieve your goals.


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  1. Anonymous

    Salaam alaikum sister

  2. Arabi Khan

    Who wanna learn arabic??

  3. Sozna Begum

    Maa sha Allah Sister Haleh you are looking so well

  4. Suzan Barakat

    Please join our healthy community!

    • Haleh Banani

      Suzan Barakat thanks habibti! You’re doing an amazing job inspiring all the sisters on our health group mashaAllah

      • Suzan Barakat

        Thanks sweetie! I adore our healthy community, it’s so much fun getting and staying healthy together and seeing the progress everyone is making.

    • Haleh Banani

      Suzan Barakat It is fun Alhamdulillah! Together we are stronger!

  5. Melanie Basham

    So amazing love watching you! Thank you for inspiring me the funny thing is my mom always said this same thing growing up

    • Haleh Banani

      Melanie Basham Alhamdulillah! I’m glad you’re inspired!

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