Stop this 1 thing to change your marriage around! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Stop this 1 thing to change your marriage around!

by | Sep 3, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 78 comments

Welcome to Fabulous Fridays where I will teach you various psychological tricks to help you become your BEST! Many times we put our happiness in the hands of others. Find out why this is dysfunctional and how it backfires.


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  1. Sana Jawed


  2. Aisha Ansari

    What if they are crying about you even after 20 years of marriage about you not being good enough for them

  3. Sadab Khan

    Waaleikum asslam

  4. Sabeen Khan

    Assalamoalaikum where I can see the video of 5 pillars of marriage

  5. Jarna Hall

    Assalamu Alikom dear sister thank you so much for this such an important reminder to us How and where is your program five piller marriage course ? BarakAllahufeeki Allah bless you

  6. Aida Elhalwagy

    You’re very inspiring, mashallah, I love listening to you. Thank you for the peacefulness you bring.

  7. Salma Ali

    Love you sister for the sake of Allah to bring up such nice topics

  8. Salma Ali

    Salma from Canada
    Jazak Allahu khair

  9. Salma Ali

    Assalamu alaikum sister. Masha Allah very well explained

  10. Sparvez Akhtar

    My spouse is controlling and I’m going through a very hard time. Whenever I share such posts with him so he could realize how his behaviour is damaging my personality and life ; he starts blaming me . Even my kids have started to disrespect me just like him . I don’t knw who to reach out to because everyone in family and relatives tell me there is something wrong with me that he is not happy with me . Please make dua for me ; I can’t take it anymore . I don’t knw how to help myself in such a situation

  11. Åfrëën Ali

    Link to this programme. The marriage one.

  12. Sayema Alam

    Assalamu waliekum sister.

  13. Ali Baba

    Thank you Haleh for speaking such truths.

  14. Erum Ashar

    I totally agree with you sister Haleh!

  15. Arwa Shaqareen

    I’am really excited to take this class to improve my life

  16. Mohammed Gouse

    Assamualaikum jazakallah thanks much appreciate it

  17. Suemyya Gangat

    Great insights! Thank you for sharing.

  18. Feroza Yusuf

    Feroza from New Zealand..slmz

  19. Ayishetu Salifu Mamudu

    Awww! How l love, love, love this woman. Allah rewards your good deed. We sisters at the GDM halaqa group miss you and cant wait to have another meeting with you soon In Shaa Allah.

  20. Aisha Baig

    How do we get your video

  21. Ruksan Ruksi

    You change and be better sometimes the abuser take advantage of that and then blames it on you that you point finger on them.

  22. Aisha Baig

    Is this a video

  23. Aisha Baig

    Where are you located

  24. Aisha Baig

    Salam from chicago

  25. Thaakiyah Brown

    So insightful Masha Allah

  26. Shanaaz Parker

    Slm from Cape Town South Africa

  27. Aamna Hanan

    M from uk

  28. Samia Anas

    Asalam o alaikum , barakAllah feekum

  29. Maya Hadie


  30. Maya Hadie

    We appreciate your time. It can life-changing in chaa Allah

  31. Majida Aslam

    I joined mindful heart academy couple of months ago it’s life changing experiences alhamdulillah

    • Nadia Hawa

      Majida Aslam completely agree!

  32. Nadia Hawa

    Mindful Hearts Academy is amazing MashaAllah! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me!

  33. Hikkma Wisdom

    Sisters out their who marry again get backlash from adult step children of spouse because they demand fathers time and attention. How do Sisters deal with that? Especially if its affecting their marriage and the father gives in to them.

  34. Sarah Kanwal

    I mean divorce is least liked by Allah in a sense that it is permissible however it should not be the first solution that one should jump to for petty reasons. But if someone is in an abusive relationship then of course he/she shouldn’t stay in such relationship for the sake of kids or family pressure etc.

  35. Fadwa Marini

    @ sarah kanwal divorce veryyyy big decision.. Allah give u guidance for what is best inn shaa Allah

      • Sarah Kanwal

        True.. that’s why we should try to reconcile our differences for the sake of Allah but sometimes it does not work and in that case we should not look down on sisters who decide to get out of these abusive relationships.

        • Fadwa Marini

          100% agree if u tried continously…and it isn’t getting better.. sometimes it not worth trying any more ..

  36. Salwa Haithar

    I recommended 5 pillars to a male relative who’s wife was about to leave him…..he went through the videos and concluded that he cannot change his character….his wife is so disappointed….any advice?

  37. Fadwa Marini

    I think u have to have the right intentions. Otherwise it wont work. I’ve been married for quite a few decades it really is hard.

  38. Nadiem Nazley Andrade

    Aslm sister. My husband keep on running to his mommy and lie
    So tired cos she’s very vulgar

  39. Hikkma Wisdom

    Sister’s out there suffer from in law interference. How do they deal with this especially if the influence is effecting their marriage.

  40. Sarah Kanwal

    Well real marriage works when both wants to understand and willingness to change things around. But someone needs to take the first step right? So be the one who wants to make things better for your household and family.

    • Maya Hadie

      That if one is willing to stay in the marriage!

      • Sarah Kanwal

        Maya Hadie I think that’s the first step to decide what you really want to do. Ending marriage is a big decision and divorce is the least likeable by Allah but if that’s the only option after trying all you can then obviously one should have to do it without feeling bad.

  41. Fadwa Marini

    Your being so helpful @ hani

  42. Halima Kamani

    Such a beautiful example

  43. Deeba Haider

    I will take the class Insha’Allah.

    • Halima Kamani

      It’s life changing… Trust me

      • Deeba Haider

        Can’t wait. Thanks for vouching for it bass in your experience. I know Sr. Haleh is amazing Masha’Allah from one of her events I attended.

        Alhamdulilah I don’t have a big issue but I want to learn more about myself, to be a better muslimah, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend … Insha’Allah

  44. Halima Kamani

    5 pillars of Marriage is one of the best marriage classes I’ve ever taken!

  45. Fadwa Marini

    Communication helps a lot .. it takes time and patience with the right person.

  46. Deeba Haider

    I feel that women are always asked to do more, put more effort. I know it may work but it is draining. Really draining.

    • Farhana Razzaque

      Her advice is for both sides.

  47. Shehnaz Rafi

    How long are we to change sister….it really is tiring

  48. Safia Nawaz

    That is probably the only choice when you are dealing with a covert narcissist.

  49. Maya Hadie

    Some men act like kids though! And it is so

  50. Fatima Shahid

    We also are not looking for a ‘baby’ either lollllll

  51. Halima Kamani

    SubhanAllah so true

  52. Yasmeen Ghafoor

    Asalaam alay kum from England

  53. Ahmed Faarah

    assalamu calaykum

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