The Secret To Real Success! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Shehla Kunhalan Arif

    Hallo ustada Fuseina. So nice to see. I did my Access class with you. Assalaamu alaikkum.

  2. Hanan Zibian

    Love u sisters

  3. Maya Hadie

    Indeed. Her smile is so sincere and I feel if we had more with her she could bring a lot

  4. Safia Kulshekar

    Ultimate success is to enter jannah without going through hell .

  5. Zohra Khan

    Jazakallah khairun. I love it

  6. Sayema Alam

    Assalamu waliekum both of you , learnt so much from this lecture , sharing this one with my friends . Jjkwkh

  7. Alia Ayyub

    I’m going to keep telling myself this, ‘ Is this worth my Jannah?’
    In shaa Allah I’m going to follow this.x.

  8. Fatou Ndong

    This is what I call motivation moments, love you sisters for the sake of Allah!

    • Haleh Banani

      Fatou Ndong Thank you so much for your love!

  9. Sandra Akkad

    Salam Haleh. Success is the path one takes to reach one’s full potential

  10. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Success in Akhra- the motivation. To please Allah do an act every day. To get into jannah.

  11. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Innamal aamalu bil niyya

  12. Brandi Ickes

    Love the smiles

    • Haleh Banani

      Brandi Ickes Thanks sweetie!

  13. Rehana Khan

    Lot to take away from your show jazakAllah

  14. Javeria Zaman

    Asalamualaikum sisters

  15. Adriana Cosa

    Can we use our purpose and mission statement as an intention for everything we do?

  16. Melody L Krasz

    The light in her heart shines in her eyes.

    • Maya Hadie


  17. Melody L Krasz

    It’s not what you give, it’s not how much you give, it’s what is in your heart and intentions at the time of giving.

  18. Adriana Cosa

    How can we make sure our intention doesn’t falter?

  19. Adriana Cosa

    But sometimes people’s compliments and encouragement helps us to find what we’re good at?

  20. Fairouz May


  21. Mariam Maryamti

    Could u please do a video on how to get out of the scarcity mindset. Both u sisters are so optimistic, i hope some day to catch on

  22. Fathima Zahan

    Ayah 33 from sura Ahzab is amazing

  23. Adriana Cosa

    Wow my hairs raised

  24. Fathima Zahan

    Allah should always be the top priority, seek His assistance and His guidance and inshaa Allah true success and true peace will follow, Alhamdulillah

  25. Talha Siddiqi

    I have a question for Sr fuseina . What’s the best source to learn about the hadith and stories about sahaba for a beginner

  26. Adriana Cosa

    Apologising can be so difficult, I feel like we get so defensive because we are actually so hurt from other experiences or trauma, and then we fail to see the situation as it is and calm ourselves down

  27. Hoda Assaf Tarrabain

    “Is this argument worth my jannah..?!” Mashala great reminder! Baraq Allah feekun! These videos are so beneficial and much appreciated!

  28. Adriana Cosa

    We lack in compassion and understanding towards other people

  29. Kazi Iffath Naher

    Assalamualaikum sister haleh and sister fussina.i love you both for the sake of Allah.

    • Haleh Banani

      Kazi Iffath Naher May the one you love us for His sake love you!

  30. Adriana Cosa

    And isn’t prayer and any other forms of worship there to make us mindful?

  31. Adriana Cosa

    I feel like mindfulness is the way to connection with Allah and other people

  32. Adriana Cosa

    1. Connection with Allah 2. Connection with the people

  33. Syeda Sara

    Sister Haleh Banani im really impressed of your glowing skin mashAllah!! why you dnt talk about any tips if you got some time to share with us ?

    • Haleh Banani

      Syeda Sidra Thank you so much for your sweet comment! It starts with the diet: I’ve been gluten free and dairy free for the past 15 years and sugar free the last month. I really think cutting out the sugar made a huge difference Alhamdulillah.

      I exfoliate every night and use Clarins toner.

  34. Adriana Cosa

    Our definition of success will drive our goals

  35. Adriana Cosa

    Wa ‘alaykumu salaam

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