Ways to overcome loneliness – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Rifat Akon

    So refreshing Jazakallah khair!

  2. Fouziya Sk

    Can I have ur personal whatsapp

  3. Naushaba Akhter

    Being proactive when we feel lonely through reaching out others , thank you for the great advices.

  4. Naushaba Akhter

    A sense of purpose, yes indeed when I support others to benefit the individual around me and around the globe.

  5. Sajjad Mukta

    I feel lonely too!

  6. Ghada Dawod

    احبك في الله

  7. Fatima Rashid

    Friends are your support system, good friends are blessings

  8. Waseem Funatic Akhtar

    It always helps to build a routine around what you love to do

    From the time we wake up till we sleep

    It could making a cup a coffee to watering plants to take a walk

    Read something call whom we are closed to at particular time

    Of course the above is for whom are home in lockdown or retired

    Even otherwise what I am suggesting to build routine for oneself even after work

    We have figured what we are going to do everyday ever hour of our life

    That should include salah and qayam al layl

    One should chirpy at the least if not the happiest

    Once one gets ‘ addicted ‘ to routine he will become productive and won’t require much emotional attention

    And yes also telling oneself that I am happy and won’t let anybody loot it helps

    If you decide to smile and be happy no situation can make you sad

    That’s something we have to learn from people of color

    They’re always smiling no matter what the situation

    This phenomenon is true of them across the globe

  9. Nima Moca

    Tasneem Adel

    • Haleh Banani

      Kishwar Ali Qureshi Jazakillah Khair

  10. Saleema Seenauth

    Assalam o alikum wrb jazak Allahu khairan

  11. Nona Light


  12. Momina Momen

    Get married lol

  13. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi. Subhanal’Allah really interesting topic about feeling lonely.

  14. Nilar Min Min Than

    So true sister!Thank you for sharing n kindness.

    • Haleh Banani

      Nilar Min Min Than Mu pleasure!

  15. NUrat Salmi Zaki

    Asalamualykum. .plese pry for my health

  16. Eman Asfour

    Mashallah sister , we always Learn from u ,bless u

  17. Jessica Abdulkareem

    thank you Sr Haleh! This is an invaluable reminder! May Allah reward you for all the hard work you do every day to help others

    • Haleh Banani

      Jessica Abdulkareem Jazaki Allah khair wa barak Allah feeki

  18. Jessica Abdulkareem

    So true! We kept saying it was over, & it just kept coming!

  19. Aviwe Buhlesavela

    I so wish I could see this but icant I’m using free mode..bcoz my life is at stand still I used to be a bubbly happy soul but now I’m down and lonely

  20. Raihana Amir

    I feel lonely only when I am surrounded by others.

  21. Nadia Hawa

    I think the pandemic has provided more opportunities for me to connect and learn online Alhamdulillah

    • Haleh Banani

      Alhamdullilah, Sister Nadia Hawa

  22. Asma Kazi

    Assalamo Alaykom sister, my youngest sister is going through a divorce. Is this the place for her?

    • Haleh Banani

      Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah… These daily videos will help her insha’Allah. However, tell her to join the Mindful Hearts Academy – registration will open soon – by going to https://themindfulhearts.com is where she can join the supportive community of sisters who are being coached by Sister Haleh

  23. Sarah Hafiz

    I’m miserable… because I was having a childhood trauma and relationships hardship I have become selfish I have become me me all the time..

    • Haleh Banani

      Sarah Hafiz I’m so sorry to hear that! May Allah ease your heart. Pray for your heart to soften and start giving to 1 person something each day.

      • Sarah Hafiz

        Haleh Banani Jazak Allahu Khair .. Insha Allah I will try

  24. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    I love being on my own most time…because that is when ideas flow in my head and I connect well to Allaah better..
    i do some SOUL searching on my self as in the check and balance…

  25. Munawara Hussen Esmael

    How can we help people who are lonely this time. Any suggestion?

  26. Mariam Abeni Abdul Salam

    Am into dis topic, it really affecting me but by holding on to Allah is getting better in shaa Allah cos right now am alone and my kids and husband are far away… Do really appreciate you ma’am

  27. Noor Moussawi

    You remind me of when I grew up and had these lectures in masjid or sat w my mother, she is very wise, but you are educated in this feild, so you ma shallah are a notch above. May Allah bless you eternally

    • Haleh Banani

      Noor Moussawi Alhamdulillah wa jazaki Allah khair

  28. Raeesah Sumun

    The loneliness goes away when we help others and alhamdulillah the smile of a stranger takes that loneliness away

  29. Ghada Hawash

    Sendos Hamad

  30. Ayesha Bismillah Mohamed

    So special….
    I have been feeling so down for a very long time

    • Haleh Banani

      Ayesha Bismillah Mohamed Alhamdullilah you have benefited I pray that you take action and start feeling better soon

  31. Nadia Hawa

    That’s a very good idea to contact 3 people everyday!

  32. Raeesah Sumun

    It feels nice when someone cares about you and reach out to you when you are struggling alone

  33. Noor Moussawi

    You are so wonderful, may Allah bless you

    • Haleh Banani

      Noor Moussawi Ameen Jazaki Allah khair

  34. Noor Moussawi

    Your words are so precious and valuable

    • Haleh Banani

      Noor Moussawi Thank you and Jazaki Allah khair

  35. Kauthar Busari

    Your words are so comforting

    • Haleh Banani

      Kauthar Busari Alhamdullilah wa jazaki Allah khair for your feedback 🙂

  36. Noor Moussawi

    I have never met you but I fee I know you for years Subhana Allah alhamdulilah for you

    • Haleh Banani

      Barak Allah feeki Sister Noor I am so happy you are benefiting and I hope we can meet soon insha’Allah

  37. Nadia Hawa

    If you need support and sisterhood you will get it at The Mindful Hearts!

  38. Nadia Hawa


  39. Nadia Hawa

    Nisa Baloch

  40. Nadia Hawa

    Najmus Sahar Alam

  41. Nadia Hawa

    Farah Alam

  42. Hamisa Ax

    Insha Allah very timely advice jazaak Allah khair

  43. Lamia Douadi

    Feel so good to Listen to you Sister

    • Haleh Banani

      Allhamdullilah wa jazaki Allah Khair for the feedback sister Lamia Douadi

  44. Raeesah Sumun

    Asalamualaikum. Thank you for connecting so many people so that we can get through the trials of life stronger and together. May Allah SWT always reward you

    • Haleh Banani

      Wa Alaikum Assalam, Jazaki Allah Khair for your feedback… I pray everyone can stay strong in their trials and challenges

  45. Shazia Ali

    Listen to these people mainly help..

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