What to do about your mother-in-law? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

What to do about your mother-in-law?

by | Dec 24, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 83 comments

What to do about your mother-in-law?

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  1. Sana Jawed

    My only adherent towards my mother in law and husband is she never let me see my parents i should be free to see my parents

  2. Sana Jawed


  3. Aich Tee

    Can you name the phd doc in tafseer u mentioned??

  4. Noor Moussawi

    May Allah bless you so much sister

  5. Noor Moussawi

    Love your examples..yes wallahee robot to shaytan, May Allah guide us all and forgive our short comings, astaghfirallah, sighhh

  6. Noor Moussawi

    Allah yirhamha Ameen

  7. Noor Moussawi

    Yes so true Subhana allah

  8. Noor Moussawi

    Love you for Allah’s sake. Such wise words ma shallah Tabarak Allah

  9. Mima Baker


  10. Fayrana Shabodien

    Message can only be received by open heart and rarely are men able to talk to their parents about this use

  11. Fayrana Shabodien

    In Turkish culture is called kayna, and ın South Afrıcan trıbal Cultural maghottı, dheen gets used

  12. Salmina Sadeq

    Sometimes it’s the opposite, guys take wife’s side and believe everything the wife says against the mother.

  13. Dhilshana Ashraff

    May Allah make us wise mother in laws

  14. Zen Kara

    I’m blessed to have my mil. She sticks up for me more than her son bless her heart. She actually knows how to balance us as she is very just.

  15. Sana Ijaz Chattha

    You’re amazing
    Love listening to you and every video gives so much perspective. May Allah bless you so so much for doing what you do. Ameen

  16. Syeda Alvina Naeem

    Assalam o Alaikum! Valuable advices ..JazakAllah khair ♡

  17. Mudasiru W. Adewale

    The way an individual interprets an action determine the reactions we.resort to.

  18. Sarah Kanwal

    Exactly… these words are gold and I exactly say the same for every relationship .. treat them as you wanted to be treated when you are in their place.. at times, it is hard when you do all you possibly can but still get the negative remarks.. However, Allah sees everything and He will take care of everything as long as we have patience.

  19. Jamilah Jannah

    That’s it, validate!!

  20. Noorazila Abd Razak

    My late MIL is so kind, softspoken and very understanding.

  21. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi Wabrakatuh. Alhamdhulilah nice to listen to your lecture once again. I love it.

  22. Reema Begum

    Soo bad I don’t want to talk

  23. Momina Momen

    Oh sister when u cried I cried

    • Dhilshana Ashraff

      Same… she’s so inspiring Subahanallah

      • Haleh Banani

        Zahra Meme you’re so sweet!

  24. Momina Momen

    Love doesn’t work if it’s just one sided sister it’s better leave the relationship

  25. Momina Momen

    Now I’m single mum but I’m a lot happier they will surely suffer as they made me suffer

    • Mima Baker

      Forgiveness makes you free, kindly forgive them don’t wish them bad

  26. Momina Momen

    My marriage broke because of my in-laws as husband always toke one side

  27. Uzma Chohan

    Farah Meer

    • Farah Meer

      Uzma Chohan very well said.. love her! Thanks

  28. Lamia Douadi

    And pray for her same as my Mom

  29. Lamia Douadi

    I love my Mother In law

  30. Siddiqa Shuborna

    A very beneficial advice. We have to make sure we are not the twisted one. We need to respect our mother in law as they gave birth to our loving husbands. And trust that Allah will help us , our family In Sha Allah.

  31. Hamisa Ax

    Very good advice, spot on.

  32. Felicia Watson

    I have the very very best MIL. She welcomed me into her family when I married her oldest son.

  33. Shaheen Siddique

    r those videos available for free,?

    • Haleh Banani

      Shaheen Siddique The videos are part of my marriage program available for purchase.

  34. Zeineb Essaïed

    May Allah bless you sister.

    • Haleh Banani

      Ameen Jazaki Allah Khair

  35. Fatima Zb

    Ameen Ameen

  36. Fatima Zb

    Side note, Looking great Alhamdulilah

    • Haleh Banani

      Fatima Zb you’re so sweet- thank you!

  37. Fatima Zb

    Disputes and perps do exist in our community Ameen

  38. Samina Maqdum

    Such great advice in all your videos MashaAllah! I wish this becomes a part of training for young couples even before they get married.

  39. Fatima Zb

    Know people who have directly or indirectly

  40. Gabriella Almi

    Great advice, great lesson

    • Haleh Banani

      Thank you @Gabriella Almi

  41. Fatima Zb

    Patience patience

  42. Ikram Odeh Mustafa

    There are beautiful mil God bless them

  43. Fatima Zb

    Aw Haleh May Allah bless you and your Moms Soul InshaAllah

    • Haleh Banani

      Fatima Zb Jazakillah Khair!

  44. Ikram Odeh Mustafa

    The biggest problem is mil doesn’t concentrate you as blood so your aways an outcast

    • Sadaf Hashimi

      I think this happens when the daughter in law expects too much from her in laws. As adults we should wisely accept that some people don’t have big hearts. We don’t need them to accept us. We take full control of our life and family. Seeing ourselves as the outcasts from our mother in laws perspective is damaging and causes low self esteem and depression. So it’s better to keep their rotten mindset in their minds and move on with our lives and focus on our own success, career, beauty, imaan, children, and MONEY. A lot if times mothers in law love and feel closer to those daughters in law that make the most money You just guard your precious mind, and body.

      • Ikram Odeh Mustafa

        Khadeeja Hashimi MashAllah your so right and smart. It does have to do with my own mindset. And yes money!! Your amazing Thank you for the insight

  45. Kelmend Marikona Ismaili

    MaShaAllah tebarekallah thank you so much.. can you give a example for brother in law if they interrupt in someone marriage and disrespectful?

  46. Ikram Odeh Mustafa

    Allah knows my heart can only take so much

    • Haleh Banani

      I’m sorry you are going through challenges. It does help to be part of a supportive community. Try joining the Mindful Hearts Academy https://themindufheartsacademy.com insha’Allah

  47. Ikram Odeh Mustafa

    Sometimes it’s too much fighting and I want to stay away for peace.

  48. Tahira Asaf Ali

    If possible , try not to live together.. ! A tip to have a beautiful relationship.

    • Haleh Banani

      Tahira Asaf Ali If you’ve had a good experience then you’re the exception. I personally don’t advise living together if you don’t have to.

  49. Nadia Hawa

    Subhanallah so much wisdom!

  50. Fatima Zb

    Mechanics are not Islam

  51. Fatima Zb


  52. Fatima Zb

    It’s about giving, right on about the weight of our words…Alhamdulilah

  53. Nadia Hawa


  54. Fatima Zb

    Good guy Alhamdulilah

  55. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Listening is a good skill.

  56. Shakira Quraishi Saitoglu

    Do you sometimes speak to men or address men, during your live sessions?

    • Haleh Banani

      Yes, if you listen to the entire video you will see we do talk to men and I do my best to balance my advice. The vast majority of the listeners are women so the content is catered to them and addressing what is in their control. Barak Allah feeki. I hope you are benefiting!

  57. Hajra Ghafoor

    Validation would work wonders

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