Why are you burnt out all the time as a parent and what you can do about it? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Why are you burnt out all the time as a parent and what you can do about it?

by | Dec 29, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 44 comments

Why are you burnt out all the time as a parent and what you can do about it?

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  1. Iqra Altaf

    Saba Firdous

  2. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi Wabrakatuh. Alhamdhulilah, enjoying listening to you. You’re always in our duas.

    • Haleh Banani

      Zubeida Ottley Wa alaikomos salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu! Thank you so much!

  3. Munira Khan

    Salaams masha allah very wel said

  4. Mvrm Vrm

    Jazaki Allah khairan sister Haleh

  5. Joke Jacobs

    The best mentor i ever had maashaaAllah. May Allah bless you and hope one day to meet you!

    • Haleh Banani

      Joke Jacobs you’re so sweet! Thank you so much! InshaAllah we will meet one day!

  6. Anny Tariq

    Im on the waiting list!

  7. Jahara Abellera Solaiman

    It’s even harder for mothers with underlying health conditions. Those I know who have pressing health issues have hired help or available relatives to help with childcare or to just keep the household running.

  8. Souaad Abdelbary

    Wa Alikum Asalam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh

  9. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    I really got to the level of burning out…getting irritated….at this stage it affected the relationship between me and my kids…I expected the best of them always…and Subhanallaah! They avoided me …. but when I got into psychology and positive parenting…I discover,I need to st3p back and look for a way to connect with them..

    First I took care of myself..discover my low and high…this really helped..now my boys are so close to me and we talk like friends…and I do more of listening now…

  10. Anisah Karen Wightman

    Salam alaikum. Do you have the link to the mindful hearts program? Because I found a couple on Google…..

  11. Fozi Foz

    Thank you for this….and thank you for always sharing such practical and empathetic advice

  12. Nadia Hawa

    Best mentor ever mashaAllah!

  13. Nadia Hawa

    Majida Aslam

  14. Horty Crop

    Wi ask God to take care of you from all devils and worries

  15. Nadia Hawa

    What to know and when to use it – sometimes it is hard to do this but I know with practice it gets easier

  16. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Thank you. That’s great. Alhamdulillah.

  17. Shazia Ali

    Ma shaa Allah nd jazak Allah for sharing

  18. Horty Crop

    Mutual respect between the two parties is the basis for a correct marital relationship, which will give rise to a generation that has culture and respect for the other

  19. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Learn to respond; not to react!

    • Maya Hadie

      Respond is a kind of reaction

  20. Shazia Ali

    Very good topic for today jazak Allah

  21. Zubeida Ottley

    I definitely need to learn how to control my emotions.

  22. Nadia Hawa

    I need this!

  23. Anisa Osman

    Asalamu’alaikum Sister Haleh

  24. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi. Alhamdhulilah am back listening to your live lectures. I really! really missed your lectures not receiving it in the last few days. What went wrong I have no idea but you’re back. I love it. Alhamdhulilah

  25. Anisah Karen Wightman

    So difficult to keep even a proper sleep schedule.. We don’t even know what day it is lol

    • Haleh Banani

      I remember those days may Allah put barakah in your time and children!

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