3 Ways To Get Your Children To Open Up To You – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

3 Ways To Get Your Children To Open Up To You

by | Jun 1, 2021 | Parenting and Family | 45 comments

3 Ways To Get Your Children To Open Up To You


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  1. Talat Sabah

    Be friendly familiar to them

  2. Aisha Ibrahim

    Pls his do I get access to the book on emotional intelligence u talked about

  3. Reda Soueid

    -1 be interested and do the things they like to do.

    -2 hold yourself from getting angry every time they tell you something they did and you don’t like, and advise them after.

    -3 don’t give lecture, wait and nicely talk to the after in a friendly way.

  4. Emad Ghouse

    I think most Muslims do not know what is emotional intelligence

  5. Carla Lou-Anna

    1) do something your child is interested in
    2) try not to react and listen to your children
    3) no lectures, we need to educate

  6. Iffat Zaman

    Don’t force if they are not ready to share something. Respecting their emotion or understanding the difficulty to share helps them to heal and easy to express later. Making humor of day in day out struggle is truly powerful. The challenging part is active listening

  7. Sabina Valayil

    Haleh Banana. Just this video can you please help make a video for pre teen and teen children. Addressing them to understand the parents perspective also.

  8. Zohra Khan

    That’s the biggest problem we are facing because of covid too kids home all the time and after school playing games, Thank you for the advises !!jazakallah khair.

  9. Fathimath Ashan

    Something I learned
    1. Stopped being judgmental
    2. Relate to the current environment rather than our childhood times
    3. Eye contact or being in the eye level

    • Haleh Banani

      Fathimath Ashan Great mashaAllah!

  10. Farah Sultana

    Three ways to make your children open up to you:
    1. Show interest in the things your children are interested.
    2. Control your temper/reaction
    3. Stop lecturing.

  11. Sheeba Wanee

    What if what they are sharing is not right worldly or islamically .. how do u correct them then ?

    • Haleh Banani

      Sheeba Wanee You correct them by connecting first.

  12. Aysha Tosun

    Also for teens..they do have different experiences they might be scared to share because of scared of being judged. But we need to realize as parents we are also not Psychotherapists to give them the right advice and thus should seek a professionals advice.

    • Haleh Banani

      Aysha Tosun Very sound advice! Good job!

  13. Aysha Tosun

    Fathers also need to be more understanding instead of saying this and that is haram.

  14. Abdul Basit

    أَضْحَكَ اللَّهُ سِنَّك‎‎ …

  15. Amy Pirouz

    Assalam Walaikum sis

  16. Kauthar Busari

    How to be a Better parent is to be a better you.

    • Haleh Banani

      Kauthar Busari Exactly!

  17. Massebe Kamara

    How to deal with very emotional child?

  18. Amber Iqbal

    Be a Listener

  19. Kauthar Busari

    Have a nice smile on your face

  20. Kauthar Busari

    Advice and don’t lecture

  21. Zeinat Abdulatif

    1. Take interest in what they’re interested in

  22. Zarghuna Khan

    Listen with listening ears mot over react , no lecturing , understand before giving advise

  23. Kauthar Busari

    Listen and don’t lecture

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