
Faith-based Islamic Counseling, Life Coaching and Psychotherapy for All Your Problems

Results for "mental health"

How to deal with disappointment

How to deal with disappointment

People can be disappointing. You can be disappointed by your parents, your children, your spouse, teachers, leaders, just about anybody because nobody is perfect. Most of us try our best, but we often fall short in one way or another. How you choose to deal with these disappointments will determine whether you are a survivor or if you are going to be stuck in a victim mentality.

Purpose Driven in Islam [Video Coaching] by Haleh Banani

Purpose Driven in Islam [Video Coaching] by Haleh Banani

When you live a life full of purpose, you wake up in the morning feeling excited to meet the day. You have a sense of mission, there’s something that you want to do to add value to the lives of others. It’s so critical to figure out your sense of purpose. When you have that drive, when you know that you are living each day and you have people that are counting on you, then there is a sense of mission that you have in life.

The Power of Positivity by Haleh Banani

The Power of Positivity by Haleh Banani

Positivity is all about where you choose to focus your thoughts. Many people have programmed their minds to just search for what is wrong in their life, what is negative. Whether it’s what is negative about themselves, their spouse or their situation, they are always complaining and they only see negativity. They become a magnet for negativity. They walk into a room and they pick up on everything that is wrong with the people, with the environment, with the community.


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You Can Fix Your Marriage Even If You Are The Only One Working To Save It

You Can Fix Your Marriage Even If You Are The Only One Working To Save It


Rekindle your relationship find love, support & respect

Start with The 7 Gems to Save Your Marriage



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