Do you feel like you’re not ‘in-love’ with your spouse anymore? – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Do you feel like you’re not ‘in-love’ with your spouse anymore?

by | Jan 25, 2021 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality, Love and Intimacy, Relationship & Marriage Advice | 45 comments

Do you feel like you’re not in love with your spouse anymore? Does it mean that your marriage is over? Can you do anything about it? Read on to find out.

Marriage is a very rewarding but complicated relationship. During the initial stages of your married life, you might have been incomplete love and awe of your spouse, but there are times when love towards your spouse dips. There are highs and there are lows to every relationship. But what if you have reached a stage where you feel like you don’t really love your spouse anymore? A lot of times when this happens, couples begin to panic. They wonder if their marriage is actually over. What I want you to understand is that there are stages to love. There is the in-love stage and the mature-love stage, 

In-love stage:

In the “in-love” stage, you get goosebumps and butterflies in your stomach when you think about your spouse. You can’t wait to see each other. You can’t wait to spend time together. Every minute feels blissful and blessed. It’s a beautiful experience. It’s wonderful because the oxytocin is flowing, the endorphins are being pumped and you’re genuinely happy about the whole thing. 

The mature-love stage:

The “in-love” stage then transforms into a more powerful form where you have a deep love for your spouse but it doesn’t necessarily translate into butterflies and excitement. I have interviewed thousands of people of different age groups, with couples who have been married for 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years and all of them have confirmed that this is something natural. To not be madly in love but still stay together is natural. 

But when a couple starts panicking that have they fallen out of love, realize that you have reached a very critical stage in your marriage. Unfortunately, some people start looking for that feeling of love and excitement outside of marriage. And this is how infidelity happens. 


When the person doesn’t feel love in marriage and ends up getting a small compliment or extra attention from someone who is a non-mahram, they suddenly feel valued and appreciated. Shaitan makes them believe that this person is the one for them. They start having feelings, which they shouldn’t have entertained in the first place.

Waiting for the other to take the first step:

During the initial stages of marriage, everything seems lovey-dovey so there’s a lot more connection between the husband and wife. Therefore, the wife might feel that her husband is more caring and affectionate. But, with the passage of time, this love transforms into something more mature and deeper. Some people, however, are still waiting for butterflies. They want that excitement but wait for their spouse to take the first step. They fail to take action and keep waiting for their spouse to shower them with love. It is at this stage that you need to take proactive steps and convert them into action so that love continues to flow between your hearts.

What you should be doing:

This is when you have to start doing things that you were doing at the beginning of your relationship. This will change the way you start relating to one another and you will feel a much deeper connection like before. Generally, what happens is after a few years of marriage, people put their relationship on auto-pilot mode and wait for the other person to take the first step forward. This leads to a lot of negativity and resentment. This takes a heavy toll on the relationship. The couple then get into this negative sentiment override. They start viewing their spouse in a very negative light. They start putting labels and become judgmental. They fail to see all the good things their spouse is doing but are quick to judge them for their mistakes or shortcomings.

What you focus is what you get:

What your mind focuses on is what you will tend to observe more often. If you are spending your time and energy looking for flaws and shortcomings in your marriage, that is what you will tend to see. If you consciously try to look at the positives, you will automatically realize how blessed you are. 

It is important to realize that the honeymoon phase will fade away but the love and respect in your heart for each other should be permanent if you allow it to thrive. 

So, when you feel like you are not in love anymore, realize that you can always fall back in love with your spouse. You can change your negative sentiment override into a positive sentiment override. Start focusing on what is good about your spouse. 

How are they contributing to your well-being?  What is it that you love about them? What made you marry them?

Yes, you will get annoyed with your spouse. You will get frustrated. You may not see eye-to-eye on everything but it is all about navigating your differences and respecting each other‘s opinions. It’s about knowing that you’re still on the same team at the end of the day. You are not rivals.

It has especially been hard during this pandemic with lockdowns everywhere. You have been with your spouse 24/7, and it can get exhausting sometimes. Generally, when your spouse goes out to work or when you have some time apart during the day, it is easier to bond and get closer to each other when you see each other after a day’s work at the office. This lockdown has made us spend time with our spouses day in and day out. This has understandably led to a lot of frustration amongst couples. However, when you try to focus on the positives, the negativities don’t look so important

When you consciously decide to look for something positive, your spouse will most likely reciprocate. Yes, it is normal to have expectations from people around us but when you take the step forward, you will see beautiful results in your married life. 

As always, I would like to put a disclaimer that this does not apply to people in toxic relationships or those living with abusive, narcissistic partners. Under such situations, your mental health and well-being are more important than anything else.

Focus on pleasing Allah:

Therefore, just because you’re not having butterflies in your stomach, don’t assume that your relationship is over. You can create these emotions by having a positive sentiment override. And when you do this in order to seek the pleasure of your Lord, you will see blessings and happiness overflowing in your life because Allah gives without measure to His slaves who try to please Him.  So get over your ego and focus on your ultimate goal – that is to please Allah and enter paradise.

My “Five pillars of marriage” program teaches you step-by-step on how to deal with all these challenges and more. I have a free PDF titled “Seven gems to save your marriage” on my website as well. Have a look at it and get started.  I pray that Allah showers His mercy on all of us and helps us to see the best in one another.

For further guidance, you can find some free courses and content on how to enhance your marriage. Also, you can download a free PDF from the website to benefit from it, Insha’Allah.


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  1. Munira Khan

    W salaams i am a vidoe

  2. Fatima Blessing Musi

    JazakAllah kharain for the advice. Wish I could join the program but I can’t afford it

  3. Tasleem Aziz

    Assalamu Alikum

  4. Creana Saif

    Bless you my dear sister

  5. Maya Hadie

    I picked up because my parents said so!

  6. Maya Hadie

    Marriage not for everyone let alone being in love in it or trying to put work into this.

  7. Zarghuna Khan

    Aamean Jazakallahi

  8. Shehra Peer

    Pep talk… Jzkallah Khair

  9. Shehra Peer

    Thought provoking…

  10. Zubeida Ottley

    Ya’Allah I’ve been through a stage where I felt negative in my marriage, cos I always noticed my spouse glares at other non believing women, who are dressed yet they’re naked. But, I crossed that bridge by having a chat on daily base with my spouse, whilst all my emotions were so high. Alhamdhulilah by my daily duas and connecting with Allah SWT, things have changed since and we are best friends as well as a happy couple.

  11. Teresa Leggard

    This is beautiful, mashallah.

  12. Zubeida Ottley

    Alhamdhulilah I got you back sister Helah, thought I ve missed your lecture of today. It’s such a joy listening to your lectures, short but valuable lessons. You’re remembered in my duas. ⚘⚘⚘

  13. Suj Khayum

    This when maturity needs to come in, recognizing that in love feeling will not always stay, and work towards falling in love again and again with your spouse.

  14. Ayesha Dollie

    I find after some conflict the making up brings back the “Inlove” feeling… It makes relationship stronger

  15. Ayesha Dollie

    Sometimes hormones plays a part…

  16. Ayesha Dollie

    Asalaamu alykum waragmatulahi barakatu

  17. Amy Diaraffe Ndaw

    Yeah but we have never been told this

  18. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    You just can’t please in-laws…and I mean it…sometimes your husband is not the headache…but your in-laws are…

    Even when you tried all you can to make them happy and accomodating gosh! They just won’t appreciate you…so I stop bothering about them and just concentrate on my husband…

    • Haleh Banani

      Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman I know how frustrating it can be dealing with in-laws. I have 4 bonus lessons on The 5 Pillars of Marriage InshaAllah it will help you to navigate your relationship.

  19. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    You are simply amazing…you pick the right topics…

    • Haleh Banani

      Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman Alhamdulillah! Thank you so much!

  20. Linda Buzo

    You are the best my sister

  21. Shafi Yare

    Masha Allah but people have been brainwashed by western ideology mindset and Islam is completely above every thing . Culture values of understanding basic mindset should always fit in the religion of Islam . ا سلا م يعلو ا و لا يعلى عليه . Nothing is above Islam and Islam is above every thing seriously people need to follow and learn the religion of Islam and Keene learn the life style of prophet of our beloved prophet Mohammed peace be upon him how he lived with Aisha Masha Allah that’s the biggest example for every Muslim to follow . Thanks for ur massive effort helping out people by ur ideas Masha Allah sister in Islam May u live longer and healthier .

  22. Sopeh Nabi

    Mash Allah, sis well said

  23. Mima Baker

    Jazaki llahu khair sis

  24. Ana María Elkhessassi

    Your 5 pillars of marriage program is helping me a lot working on myself and understanding how the dynamics work and what is in my hands to improve my marriage!

    • Haleh Banani

      Ana María Elkhessassi Alhamdulillah I’m so glad that the 5 Pillars of Marriage program has helped you! That makes me so happy Thanks for sharing!

  25. Zaidah Tofie

    I’m not looking for outside attention I just miss my own husband’s connections

    • Haleh Banani

      Zaidah Tofie Alhamdulillah that you don’t want attention from others. Once you give attention InshaAllah you start getting the attention

      • Razia Muhammad

        Haleh Banani i give and give n get nothing in return

  26. Sopeh Nabi

    There are many phases in marriage

  27. Zaidah Tofie

    It’s scary when you get that feeling because it’s not how I want it to be…. just life happens that I yearn for how inlove stage we were before.

    • Haleh Banani

      Zaidah Tofie I know it’s scary, but I guarantee that if you shift your focus everything changes!

  28. Sopeh Nabi


  29. Liza Begum

    I just love your every single live sis

    • Haleh Banani

      Liza Begum Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

      • Liza Begum

        No problem sis. Do you mind if i send to you some hijabs from my company pls.

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