Doing this will get you to connect to others instantly and it’s a sure path to Jannah – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Doing this will get you to connect to others instantly and it’s a sure path to Jannah

by | Sep 1, 2021 | Holistic Health and Wellbeing, Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 26 comments

Doing this will get you to connect to others instantly and it’s a sure path to Jannah


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  1. Nadia Syed

    Getting loved ones to squeeze your hands to get your attention is such a good advice! Jazakallah khair!

  2. Fanta Kaba

    JazakAllah Khair for the reminders

  3. Talat Sabah

    True indeed

  4. Kafiya Mohammad

    I feel that with my kids a lot

  5. Sarah Adams

    لأنك حر … كن صوتًا لإسراء التي قضت سنينًا من العذاب والمرض في سجون الظلم الصهيونية وقاوم بأي طريقة ولا تسترح
    #freeisraa #helpisraa
    #لا_للإهمال_الطبي #أنقذوا_إسراء

    #freeisraa #helpisraa
    #No_to_medical_negligence #Save_Isra

  6. Nomana Shoaib

    jazakallah khair. i will use this strategy to stay present.

  7. Ola Almoazen

    Please I have question are you speak Arabic too?

  8. Afifa Rashidzada

    Thank you dear sister for this Beneficial video.

  9. Ruksana Tootla

    I can truly identify with this

  10. Nadia Noor

    Jazakallah mam

  11. Ateka Sarfraz

    I struggle with concentration

  12. Aatika Mooidheen

    Slm please cn I get the website details

  13. Kauthar Busari

    Mindful of thoughts Mindful of emotions, Mindful of people around, Mindful of how we make people feels

  14. Hss Hss

    You speak very well.. thank you..

  15. Kauthar Busari

    It makes me feel disconnected and not feeling good with the other person

  16. Janet Rosales

    Me when my children ask me questions and I’m trying figure a millions things out

  17. Janet Rosales

    This is great for children MashAllah. It’s hard for me to try to connect with my children when all they want to do is be on electronics

  18. Kauthar Busari

    Be actually present in yourself

  19. Abi Yah
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