How to stop shouting at your kids – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Binette Diallo

    I want to be the best version of my self

  2. Binette Diallo

    Because when I yell my kids are not listening

  3. Mehzabeen Hosany Nundloll

    Something I have to work on, I tried not to shout but sometimes it’s the only way to get a reaction

    • Anjili Pyaneandee

      Mehzabeen Hosany Nundloll exactly same.

  4. Sacdiya Ali

    Ma Sha Allah

  5. Fatma Mohamed

    Frustration due to time wasting, especially for a working mum

  6. Sara Adel

    Stress at work is a big reason

  7. Salma Ali

    Assalam alaikum sister Haleh. Masha Allah very well explained. Jazak allahu khairan.
    When I loose my temper or frustrated then that goes over to our children. Once we realize then we set back and regret & avoid doing so later and feel bad for our kids as how they are facing these anger, yelling or bad words at that moment. And it does affect the child.

  8. Soraya Wise

    Assalaamoe alaykum waragmatullahi wabarakatu from Cape Town. South Africa. Thank you

  9. Huda Mohammed Nassir

    Is it too let for me to change because my kids are 12,11,3 and 9 I really want to change

  10. Mia Fifi

    MashaAllah you are really good at this

  11. Amy Pirouz

    Consistency also

  12. Rafeeah Jimoh


    It’s not effective and I do it to my kids when I get frustrated and feel they’re not listening. I’m working on changing

  13. Shabnam Mazhar Keval

    When kids dont listen after calling them out in a slow voice, i tend to yell at them n suddenly they hear everything. I get really worked up and dont like that feeling at all.

  14. Samar Siddiqui

    Assalamualaikum , Sister Haleh 🙂

  15. Adz Mahomed

    My son when I tell him 3times he doesn’t listen I have to scream for him to do what I asks even my daughter asking nicely didn’t work then I had to scream and immediately they do it but I hate yell

    • Suhail Pasta

      Adz Mahomed true same my kids

  16. Maria Rincon

    Whenever I was yelled at as a child I felt like I didn’t hear or understand anything that was being said to me. I don’t blame my parents, I know sometimes it’s hard convey a message to your children or to make them understand the importance of something. Usually we are being emotional and therefore we react. I feel guilty when I scream at my children and feel regretful because I know it’s not the right way to approach a situation and because I would like to have control of my emotions to project the right kind of response. May Allah make help us find the best and most efficient way to speak to our children, ameen.

  17. Sara Hamid

    Are these ever recorded? Because that would be really great

  18. Sanora Khan

    You are perfect

  19. Laylah Kamies

    Everything my kids do annoys me and makes me so angry to the point that even when they joke I get mad at them

  20. Laylah Kamies

    Replay… I do yell a lot at my kids that it feels like im going crazy. My parents never screamed at me but I scream at my kids and I feel so bad I think I do it bcos I’m so frustrated and it makes me so sad to treat them this way

  21. Seema Samie

    Yes I yelled a lot . And my kids started to loose their confidence

  22. Maryam Apat

    It’s very informative

  23. Sadiyya Ashraf Laher

    I hated how my parents yelled and I don’t want to become that oerson

  24. Sadiyya Ashraf Laher

    My parents yelled I hated it I used to freeze and go blank

  25. Om Khaled

    Annie Tampipi – Uddin

  26. Akhi Afzal


  27. Saba Farooq

    Sometimes nothing else works and its an emergency

  28. Umm Mahreen Mahamed

    Jazakallah khair for this information dear really need that

  29. Nadia Hawa

    Learning to control my emotions helps me. It’s not always easy and I fluctuate, but the lessons really help me and remind me of how to get back on track

  30. Abdourahman Jallow

    Asalamualikum Good afternoon to u from The Gambia west Africa

  31. Nadia Hawa

    Saaiqa Hawa

  32. Nasheeta Ebrahim

    Aslm i shout at them cos they dont listen i must speak millon times how can i be better mother

    • Akho Aisha Macingwane

      Nasheeta Ebrahim ws. Same with my son,gosh he drives me nuts…..I donno whether he does things to provoke me or just that he forgets

      • Nasheeta Ebrahim

        Its like takes the last nerve out on u

  33. Khawla Tabassum

    Please I need some advice, I feel extremely guilty each time I scold her.

  34. Zaidah Tofie

    I feel like I’m going crazy when they don’t listen. And when they don’t listen I tend to shout

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