Learn the 3 P’s for Peace! – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

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  1. Kehinde Oladejo

    Thanks for sharing. JazakAllah Kyran

  2. Suma Din

    MashaAllah, beautiful nasihah

  3. Fouziya Sk

    Can I have ur pm no. Pls

  4. Fouziya Sk

    Assalamualaikkum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu sister..

  5. Ammal Barakat

    Jazaakee Allah Khair. Beautiful lecture to start my day.

  6. Zizi Karim

    اللهم صل وسلم وبارك عليك سيدى يارسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم

  7. Latifa Khan


  8. Shahida Nasreen Khokhar

    Lovely analogy to a farmer. True Patience can be learnt from gardening activity.

  9. Suky Govani


  10. Habiba Hashimi

    Thank you sister haleh, we always learn so much from you MaShaAllah tabarakallah

  11. Zubeida Ottley

    Watching this Video today. Love it.

  12. Zainab Hamid

    Waalaikum salam

    • Haleh Banani

      Tahirah Muslimah Varela That’s sweet! Thank you!

  13. Hamisa Ax

    Great P’s

  14. Sakina Vazir

    Mashallah good knowledge.

  15. Raana Haider

    Mashallah so beautiful . So accurate for me

  16. Waseem Funatic Akhtar

    Jazāk Allāhu Khayran (جزاك اللهُ خيرًا) sister

  17. Lubna Shareef

    Peace peace peace

  18. Farhat Rukhsar

    Please check your inbox.

  19. Noreen Qureshi

    Thank you for sharing it was lovely to listen to your message

    I am a trainee counsellor at the end of my course and always find something to take away from the recording and messages

    • Haleh Banani

      Noreen Qureshi Alhamdulillah I’m so glad you’re benefitting.

  20. Sn El

    This all good advice but to train your brain when your hopeless is not an easy task.

    • Haleh Banani

      Sn El It’s not easy but with practice you can do it inshaAllah.

  21. Nilar Min Min Than

    Masha Allah! Thank you for explaining. Very beneficial

  22. Hapsah Mohamed

    Tqvm for the three P’s…may Allah protect us aamiin

  23. Shehra Peer

    Wa alaikum salaam wa barakatuhu

  24. Nafisa Hoosen

    Ma sha Allah.Patience gratitude .

  25. Erum Ansar

    Remember All of us in urs Pretty Prayers

    • Haleh Banani

      Erum Ansar You’re cute!

      • Erum Ansar

        Haleh Banani Mam

  26. Erum Ansar

    Preferance of Positivity,Patience nd Prayers are also the key of success Likes ur spritual way of speech JazakAllah ho Khairan

    • Haleh Banani

      Erum Ansar Wa iyyaki!

  27. Muhammad Soomro

    Thanks for explaining 3ps

    • Haleh Banani

      Amal Tarrab Nashawi Thank you- I’m not a doctor though

  28. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    Sister Haleh Banani you are really a blessing and am learning a lot from you…Jazakillaah KHAIR

    • Haleh Banani

      Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman Alhamdulillah that it’s beneficial!

  29. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    When you are at peace with your self you get absolute SAKEENAH…more concentration on one self is paramount…

    • Haleh Banani

      Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman Exactly!

  30. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    I am really learning a lot lately…through more patience and empathy…I realized we all differ in action….expect less from others…and just accept people the way they are…what really matters is you being the light even in the darkest room…

    • Haleh Banani

      Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman mashaAllah that’s great! I’m so proud of you for your perspective

  31. Qudrah Toyeen Sulaiman

    joined late…just realized your talking about 3 cs….parience

  32. Gulzar Kanji

    Let’s keep positive thoughts for 2021 and what ever has gone through our life was a test for all of us coz we all had gone beyond the capacity, yes patience is to build our skills no doubt. Zalika taqdirul azizul alim

  33. Nadia Hawa

    Thank you so much sister Haleh xxx love you!

  34. Dayke Rayan

    Jazake Allahu khaira

  35. Bint'e Islam

    Assalamualaikum Haleh…

  36. Nadia Hawa

    Zawaad Bawa

  37. Nadia Hawa

    The Mindful Hearts lessons really work

    • Haleh Banani

      Nadia Hawa Alhamdulillah!

  38. Atiya Begum

    Alhumdulillah I agree with every word you said

    • Haleh Banani

      Barak Allah feeki wa jazaki Allah khair

  39. Havva Ergene

    Never get to registration part

    • Haleh Banani

      Signup on the waiting list and we will let you know when it opens insha’Allah

  40. Dayke Rayan

    I am more than 5 years didn’t see my parents really it’s very hard patient

    • Haleh Banani

      Dayke Rayan May Allah make it easy on you. Be grateful that you can at least call them!

  41. Nadia Hawa

    When will the registrations open?

  42. Havva Ergene

    How come mindful heart academy always full

    • Haleh Banani

      Havva Ergene We have registration times opening in January.

  43. Rajaa Keskin

    لي مهتمة بلاسنان وزراعة الشعر والتجميل بصفة عامة مرحبا في تركيا اسطنبول

  44. Fazia Dookhie

    Assalamu Alaikum

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