Live session at 1 pm today Saturday July 13 on the importance of self-care! Give your loved ones the precious gift of being more emotionally present, more energetic and more joyful. Www.themindfulhea… – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

Live session at 1 pm today Saturday July 13 on the importance of self-care! Give your loved ones the precious gift of being more emotionally present, more energetic and more joyful. Www.themindfulhea…

by | Jul 13, 2019 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 74 comments

Live session at 1 pm today Saturday July 13 on the importance of self-care! Give your loved ones the precious gift of being more emotionally present, more energetic and more joyful.


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  1. Nadia Hawa

    Ola Abu-Seido
    This is Sister Haleh who runs the course. InshaAllah it will be extremely beneficial to many sisters, as it has been for me.

  2. Nasima Hussein

    As salaam alaikum. I wish to talk to you personally. May I have your number please.

  3. Nasrin Chy

    Asalamualikum from Bangladesh dhaks

  4. Rachida Asname

    To: naima elghazi Premièrement Prendre soins personnel

  5. Diallo Oumar

    Good morning I love islam

  6. Safia Kulshekar

    What to do when ppl around u don’t understand that we too need time for ourselves.

  7. Kulsum Saeed

    Salaam from Maldives

  8. Kano Price

    May almighty God reward you and your family .

    • Haleh Banani

      Kano Price thank you so much!

  9. Dolly Mani

    Thanks for sharing your experiences

  10. Bazian Bndian

    May Allah reward you my Sister H

  11. Samar Mahtab

    Zara Khan specially for you

  12. Mary Kelly

    Sister so true

  13. Mary Kelly

    Jazakullah kheir

  14. Sobi Aman

    Where can I attend live session I signed up but still

  15. Naima El Ghazi

    Salam Sister
    Dommage je comprend pas l’anglais.
    J’aimerai bien si tu m’aides okhti

  16. Md Islam

    بشم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة وبركاته اخونن مسلمين حالة

  17. Claire Louise Gilchrist

    This is so needed! Thank you for your presence and message. Self care is one of the best investments for the whole family, since the family unit is one unit not separate. Imagine a world where we respond from a place of alignment as apposed to react from a place of stress and exhaustion.

    • Haleh Banani

      Claire Gilchrist It is crucial and it makes such a difference mashaAllah.

      • Claire Louise Gilchrist

        Haleh Banani al hamdullilah for the awareness 🙂 we can all strive for this. Sharing your posts 😉

  18. Esha AH

    Maa sha Allah
    You are amazing and I love you

    • Haleh Banani

      Esha AH Thank you so much! You’re so sweet

  19. Shazia Abbasi

    Whenever I come would come to see you insha Allah

  20. Rumana Yasmin

    Looking forward to the livestream session today !

    • Haleh Banani

      Rumana Yasmin so glad you can make it!

      • Rumana Yasmin

        Yes! Me too!! Insha’Allah!!

  21. Sobi Aman

    Jazak’Allahukyrain for understanding Alhamdoulillah

  22. Star Love

    Wow your my voice since i believe in slef care we can go nuts
    Thank you for your blessed heart and beautiful mind. Thank you.

    • Haleh Banani

      Star Love Jazakillah Khair! I really appreciate your sweet words

  23. Rumana Yasmin

    Soo good to see you Sister Haleh as always!

  24. Uzma Zubair


  25. Rumana Yasmin

    You look awesome today! Masha’Allah!

    • Haleh Banani

      Rumana Yasmin thank you sweetie!

  26. Shazia Abbasi

    It is happening at every level

  27. Sobi Aman


  28. Sobi Aman

    Yes Alhamdoulillah

  29. Ameena Shaffi

    Especially for older women

  30. Sobi Aman

    Being a single mother full time work how can and when can I put tie for myself I want to but something else comes in always

    • Haleh Banani

      Sobi Aman you will run yourself down if you don’t. Please prioritize yourself- I can teach you how!

      • Sobi Aman

        Insha’Allah Jazak’Allahukyrain

  31. Shazia Abbasi

    Jazak Allah khairan for being there in my low times..

    • Haleh Banani

      Shazia Abbasi wa iyyaki! You can get out of this rut you’re in inshaAllah. Join our sisterhood

  32. Ameena Shaffi

    أسلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاتُهُ

  33. Anisur Rahman

    God bless you & you’re family for advice others

    • Haleh Banani

      Anisur Rahman Ameen ya rab!

      • Anisur Rahman

        Haleh Banani you’re so kind sister and God will help you and you’re family

  34. Amal BD

    Last year I visited my family and I was so exhausted to the extent that didn’t realize that I looked bad my family commented on that and said look you are so awful. U was shocked because all I was thinking about is buying gifts to my family. But forgot to look good . Now I understood that my beloved ones wants to to be good . So decided to take care of myself.

    • Haleh Banani

      Amal Espoire excellent that you learned to take care of yourself! We are giving our family members a precious gift when we take care of our well being. We are happier, healthier and more energetic!

  35. Alima Sow

    I always feel guilty. Thanks for all Alhamdulilah.

    • Haleh Banani

      Alima Sow you need to learn to have guilt free pleasure to refuel.

  36. Sobi Aman

    Yes exactly ?

  37. Roazita Ma

    Thanks for a warn welcome!

  38. Sierra Opare

    Assalamu alaikum <3 Texas here

  39. Saima Ansari

    Assalam o Alaikum,
    This’s Saima from Pakistan

  40. Sobi Aman

    Something always come whenever I try to take care my self by healthy diet or exercise? How to make it still take are of myself to adjust in daily life?

  41. Roazita Ma

    Salaam from Thailand

    • Haleh Banani

      Roazita Ma Salam! Welcome!

  42. Amal BD

    So this is their problems

  43. Sakina Janna

    Assalamu alaikum

  44. Aisha Ahmed

    I agree Amal

  45. Amal BD

    And we should stop waiting for others to make us happy, happiness comes from inside.

    • Haleh Banani

      Amal Espoire Exactly! Happiness comes from within!

  46. Amal BD

    Exactly I can’t take care of others if iam not happy

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