
The 3 questions you can ask yourself to change your focus during difficult times. Hurry, last week to register for The Mindful Hearts Academy. You belong here and we’re waiting for you! Www.themind…

by | Jan 31, 2021 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 20 comments

The 3 questions you can ask yourself to change your focus during difficult times.
Hurry, last week to register for The Mindful Hearts Academy. You belong here and we’re waiting for you! Www.themindfulhearts.com


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  1. Fathima Zahan

    what you focus on grows

  2. Kassim Zghayer

    what’s this , how can i take information about this

  3. Nuzhat Tariq


  4. Joke Jacobs

    Yara Arwa

  5. Joke Jacobs

    Salam Mahmoud

  6. Joke Jacobs

    Fanny Jacobs

  7. Syeda Ali

    Assalam Allekum WrWb

    Beautiful Questions to ask ourselves
    Really as you said Sister Haleh that 2021 should be the year of change myself
    Let me share with you little when my husband send me a child custody notice 3 years back I was in shocked and was completely negative about myself even I wasn’t mistaken and soon I am getting divorce without any fault , but you know what sister you are %100 right ,many times I used to ask same question myself that definitely Allah Shw has putted me in this situation for a good reason I am raising 3 girls and older one is becoming a Hafizah insha Allah so of I was with him I couldn’t able to put them in Islamic school because he was against for it and last year Allah Shw listen to my heart and an Islamic school has opened 5 min away from my house and that’s how Allah Shw made my dream come true Alhumdullilah ,
    My daughter’s are raising in a positive environment Alhumdullilah every situation has come up in our lives there is a definitely Allah’s Shw wisdom behind it
    And you know what I learned from my life experience is that never to depend on anyone instead of yourself in order to grow yourself .sorry for a long message but I love your Questions and feel so good to share little story of my heart
    Jazak Allah Khear

    • Haleh Banani

      Syeda Ali MashaAllah that’s an amazing story! Thank you for sharing your courage with us all. Alhamdulillah you’re putting your kids in an Islamic schools for you’re daughter is becoming a hafizah! That’s truly amazing mashaAllah!

      • Hami Raha

        Syeda Ali mashaAllah sister thanks for sharing your experience with us Allah is great , I’m really impressed

        • Syeda Ali

          Jazak Allah Khear sister’s Alhumdullilah I love this sisterhood

          Special Jazak Allah to dear sister Haleh May Allah Shw bless you and your family Ameen

  8. Maya Hadie

    Can one sponsor someone for this?

  9. Maya Hadie

    So would we be out of line to ask God that we can’t take it anymore while tested with something we weren’t expecting at all, knowing that He doesn’t burden a soul beyond its limit. Kindly advise

    • Haleh Banani

      Maya Hadie It’s better to ask for wisdom and strength

  10. Zubeida Ottley

    Assamu’Aleikum Wahrematullahi Wabrakatuh. Missed your lecture on Friday. Not sure if there was a live lecture on Friday.

  11. Nadia Hawa

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