2 Psychological Tricks To Help You Survive The Storm – Haleh Banani | M.A. Clinical Psychology

2 Psychological Tricks To Help You Survive The Storm

by | Oct 2, 2020 | Islamic Psychology and Spirituality | 77 comments

2 Psychological Tricks To Help You Survive The Storm

When you feel completely devastated and have an overwhelming feeling of fear, sadness, or anger, you need to do these two things to make everything better.


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  1. Aamna Hanan

    Thank you sister I really need these tips

  2. Mohammed Razi

    Hoping for good is also an act of worship of Allah SWT.

  3. Fawz Ahmed

    Jazakallahu khyr

  4. Marie Saied

    Jazakallah khairan .

  5. Marie Saied

    Assalaam alaykom sister

  6. Omisore-Bakare Maryam

    I have no choice than to be “optimistic as a believer”…powerful
    Jazakillah khayran

  7. Naglaa Elmarakby

    الحمد لله. شكرا جزيلا جزاك الله خيرا

  8. Zarina Noor-Mahomed

    Blue print to survive ameen (credits to Haleh Banani)

    To overcome emotional disruptions
    Tip 1

    * Start with the end in mind…trust yourself to make it through
    * Will your mind to remember this is temporary
    * Keep saying ‘I am going to get over this ‘
    * Think of it as ‘renovating your heart ‘ when you renovate , you think of the end result.It makes you feel good.But we have to go through the demolition before we start to rebuild …Recognize it as part of the process!!!
    * Everyone is tested !!!We are all being tested in our own unique ways!!!
    * Allah Pak says in Surah Yusuf Ayat 87… …(and do not despair of Allah’s Relief. Surely none , despairs of Allah’s Relief except the disbelieving people.) As a believer you have no choice but to be optimistic
    * ‘Its going to get better ‘is what you need to say to yourself

    Tip 2
    * Fixing your mindset(all about how you view things)
    * If we do not adjust the way we look at things,we will continue to be pessimistic about life.Upgrade your lens!!!
    * Shift your perspective !!!!Train your mind not to think of your problem…The problem gets bigger when you constantly focus on it.Yet ,if you try to focus on what is possible,what you can change,what you have control over ,its going to definitely change things around…
    * Finally , remember that whatever is happening to you is good for you because the Almighty Allah has blessed us with the tools to survive & live a productive ,happy & peaceful life ….ameen

    • Zarina Noor-Mahomed

      Haleh Banani awesome stuff my dear -i am here in Bellair South Africa

  9. Mary Smith

    Great advise,Awesome sister!

  10. Sakina Ahmed

    You are a blessing to the ummah dear sister . Each and every video of yours is excellent , practical and very motivating . Jazakallah khair . May allah reward u immensely in both the worlds

  11. Ummu Amr


  12. Sabeen Inam

    JazakAllah sister

  13. Robena Mohammed

    I need this right now…thanks so much for these tips

  14. Madiha Abid

    Haleh you are beautiful

  15. Hadiza Muhammad Saba

    Thanks for sharing the tips sister,May Allaaah reward you abundantly,Ameen

  16. Fatima Bibi

    Love the colours….. Smiling

  17. Hassina Kajee

    As salaamu Alaikum Sister. I am sure that this message has helped so many. Wallaahi I made dua for and I feel like Allah Azzewajjal has directly answered my prayers with this message. I want to ask about the initial raw pain of the betrayal. Where does that fit in. What is the process of grieving and feeling the pain of the betrayal . Are you suggesting that the pain be replaced by focusing on the future and changing the mindset? Was Salaam Hassina

  18. Zaheda Jugoo

    Amazing talk thank you sister Haleh . You are a

  19. Fanta Kaba

    That’s right,we should do what we can. BarakaAllah feekum

  20. Fanta Kaba

    Ma shaa Allah Sr well said,whatever we focused on grows

  21. Fanta Kaba

    Subhana Allah,much needed reminders .. JazakAllah Khair

  22. Mays Baker

    Jazakom Allah khairn dear sister.

  23. Hapsah Mohamed

    Alhamdullillah Assalamualaikum sister Haleh Banani

  24. Natalia Pina

    Hilda Mares Brenda Treviño

  25. Mumtaz Ahmed

    May Allah bless you

  26. Jill Braga

    Love it… Just on the right time for my self to get your love Thank you sister so much Mash Allah

  27. Selda Altas

    I’m so happy to have met you on here. You are an inspiration.

  28. Sisanda BobiBaza

    Thank you I needed to hear that

  29. Sana Azhar

    Areesa Farooq

  30. Tasleem Rahman

    Assalaam Alukum Sister.

  31. Shahnaz Bano

    JazakAllah Kayer sister, much needed in now days situation around the world .

  32. Shahnaz Bano

    اسلام و علیکم سسٹر

  33. Majida Aslam

    Jazak Allah khair sister really needed this.

  34. Fairouz May

    Shukran so much sister Haleh

  35. Noor Moussawi

    Jzk for this! Muchhhhhh needed!

  36. Farheen Ariff

    Be Positive n everything is temporarily happens.

  37. Medina Aidarova

    Ameeen!!! Jazak Allah Khayr

  38. Sana Azhar

    Sadia Awaan

  39. Tahira Asaf Ali

    Difficult. But can be tried.

  40. Suzan Barakat

    masha’ALLAH such beautiful and powerful tips to help us through the toughest of times. Jazakee ALLAH khair

  41. Fatima Sa

    ASALAMO Alaikom. watching you from Morocco

  42. Samina Goolam Mahomed

    Slmzs from South Africa .jazakallah for the motivation

  43. Rafiya Raheel

    Need it definitely.

    Tysm Hala

  44. Sajjad Mukta

    Please pray all the sisters for my n my children’s good

  45. Hafsah Ahmed

    SubhaanAllah, needed this!

  46. Sajjad Mukta

    I want complete control of my life financially n emotionaly

  47. Saadia Ahmed

    Love the bright colors, mA!

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